How many days in the past week have you had at least one blood sugar reading below 70?
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Unfortunately, low readings are a consequence of aggressively managing BS. On the bright side, I am achieving A1Cs in the 6.5 range notwithstanding T1 D for nearly 47 years. Fortunately, CGM alerts allow for timely treatment thereby avoiding dangerous lows and frustrating rebounds.
55 years T1D – a1C is 6.7. I currently have good control, but occasionally have lows. Last night was my example, low alert at 1:30 a.m.
Considering I’m T1 for 57 years and 88.8% In Range, the 0.1% I was low is very acceptable
My last A1C was 5.9, so that is excellent. However tight control means some lower numbers, but I catch them quickly with the CGM, Abbott Freestyle Libre. I still am in range over 75% of the time. After you leave your Drs office, you become your own Dr. at home in the kitchen. So I do what works and correct as needed with food or insulin. T1Ds who say they have no lows and either lying or running higher. We are all awaiting Smart Insulin, artificial pancreas, or stem cells therapy.
I regularly pre-bolus and let my BG run down to ~3.6 (65) to 4 (72) before a meal. This seems to work well for me to avoid post meal spikes. T1D ~ 45 years, TIR ~ 85% A1c 5.8 – 6.5%
My most recent A1c was 5.2 so I was going to rotely answer “7/all” but was surprised to see two lucky days in the last week where it didn’t happen. NOT normal for me. I usually go lower than 70 1-2 times a day but not much lower than that
This past wee, everyday. I am in a clinical trial which has dramatically changed my numbers. I am finally climbing back into the 70% time in frame. Before it was always in the 80-90 range. Standard deviation has climbed to 60 when it was in the 30 range before. So things not great but improving. This is the joys of clinical trials. It is always interesting and never a dull moment. Will be hoping with some improvements this system will be ready to roll but I can’t wait to get back to my Control IQ! No work and great numbers!
Several, I think. On my TANDEM t:slim basal IQ, it has stopped and resumed my insulin when bg drops quickly—it doesn’t have to be at 70. I am warned whenever there is a change in delivery. Isn’t science technology great!!!
Everyday and I felt ashamed to admit it until I saw the few other comments. I figure I need a CGM but hate the thought of sticking yet another hole in my body. I only have lows at home. Never while out usually because I am more careful. Vacuuming always sends me low. Changing my reservoir always sends me low. Some days no matter how much I eat I go low. Have never felt bad or had any incidents. I record all the lows because I feel all of them.
Only once- I was surprised to see, but not really, since being on the Tandem Control IQ I rarely get low and have 6.6 A1C (the best I’ve had) and CV 22.4, before I had lows daily especially when exercising and now it is so much easier and stable, so thankful for the latest advances after 53 years of trying but not getting there.
Maybe I am meant to nibble all day and not have meals. For the the last twenty years of diabetes I have lots of lows and “short” highs. The highs don’t last long after meals but CGM corrects them and there’s another reason for lows.
I am a ‘brittle’ diabetic so BGs swing rapidly and suddenly. I’ve had a nasty 20-30 minute morning rise that skyrockets over 200 in 15 minutes and then falls just as quickly. Even when I treat the low, it will drop below 70 before the glucose kicks in.
0, I have been wearing an Insulin pump since 1996. I was diagnosed with T1D in 1973, but after I was diagnosed I realized I had been having a lot of symptoms of T1D for years. My lowest blood sugar was 26 & my highest has been 892. But I wear a pump & sensor & I also finger stick my blood sugar 8-10 times a day. I may be too aggressive but in my opinion I’m fighting for every day of life I can get & Im willing to do everything I have to to make sure I control my T1D & not let it control me.