Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I’m successful treating moderate low blood sugar so 10-15 minutes usually does it. However, if it is extremely low and plummeting, it takes far longer and I usually end up over-treating. Better to catch it early, thank you, Dexcom.
25-30 minutes since gastroparesis set in a year ago. I used to be OK in 10-15 minutes, but that was back in the day when digestive nerves still functioned well. Gastroparesis is a horrid disease. No it’s sickening, because you feel like you have to vomit, even though you’re hungry and normal otherwise. ( ˘︹˘ )
I agree with Anne my Dexcom realtime glucometer has made a huge difference in my life especially when it comes to sorting out whats going on. My fingertips thank them every day!
Depends on the type of carbs used to treat the low. I answered 5-10 minutes. However, I eat Welch’s Fruit gummies, I feel the symptoms subsiding within 5 minutes. Other carbs (energy bars, candy, fruit,etc.) takes 5-10 minutes. I avoid juice unless the BG is below 50 as it always causes a spike for me.
I said other. My real answer is, it depends. Sometimes 5-10 minutes, sometimes 30+ minutes. While Dexcom helps, I frequently find it saying I’m80 when I double check with s as finger stick I’m really <65. I realize that’s within the margin of error for the Dex, but there’sa big difference between 80 and 65 for me.
I usually “feel” better long before my Dexcom stops screaming at me. Then I have to recover my nerves from the repeated jolts of adrenaline caused by the screaming Dexcom. And sometimes it is way off from what my glucose meter says. Waaaay off. I have a love/hate relationship with Dexcom, as well as trust issues. 😉
I’m successful treating moderate low blood sugar so 10-15 minutes usually does it. However, if it is extremely low and plummeting, it takes far longer and I usually end up over-treating. Better to catch it early, thank you, Dexcom.
25-30 minutes since gastroparesis set in a year ago. I used to be OK in 10-15 minutes, but that was back in the day when digestive nerves still functioned well. Gastroparesis is a horrid disease. No it’s sickening, because you feel like you have to vomit, even though you’re hungry and normal otherwise. ( ˘︹˘ )
I agree with Anne my Dexcom realtime glucometer has made a huge difference in my life especially when it comes to sorting out whats going on. My fingertips thank them every day!
Depends on the type of carbs used to treat the low. I answered 5-10 minutes. However, I eat Welch’s Fruit gummies, I feel the symptoms subsiding within 5 minutes. Other carbs (energy bars, candy, fruit,etc.) takes 5-10 minutes. I avoid juice unless the BG is below 50 as it always causes a spike for me.
I said other. My real answer is, it depends. Sometimes 5-10 minutes, sometimes 30+ minutes. While Dexcom helps, I frequently find it saying I’m80 when I double check with s as finger stick I’m really <65. I realize that’s within the margin of error for the Dex, but there’sa big difference between 80 and 65 for me.
I usually “feel” better long before my Dexcom stops screaming at me. Then I have to recover my nerves from the repeated jolts of adrenaline caused by the screaming Dexcom. And sometimes it is way off from what my glucose meter says. Waaaay off. I have a love/hate relationship with Dexcom, as well as trust issues. 😉