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Prayer. I have to remember that God is in control even when I feel like there’s no control. Like now when my husband has Covid. I’m negative, but I think how long will this go on? Will I get it? How long will we be quarantined in the house? But God knows the answer. I can’t be in control of everything.
I have started a new practice this past year of saying positive affirmations as I’m getting ready in the morning. I have them taped to my bathroom mirror, so I can’t forget. Once it becomes reality, I change it out for a new one.
I agree that the Christmas Season is only stressful when you leave the reason for the season out of the celebration. Also music is very healing to the mind, body, and soul. It’s nice to sit down and watch TV, Christmas shows are on many of the channels to pick and choose. The Hallmark channel is all about falling in love, but it seems if you have seen one, you’ve seen them all because the story line is the same, but I’m not complaining.
I have always been a problem solver. If I something happen I do not stress about it . I simply find a usable solution either solve the problem or at least make it less important
I also pray. And yes, God is in control I agree. I put all my worries and anxieties in a balloon and I send them up to God and ask for his peace and strength! I also love to cuddle with my 2 labs or go out to the barn and saddle up!! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. Amen!
I drink a glass of wine. Not good I know but it helps.
I don’t feel stressed.
All of the above, and more. 12 Step fellowship is helpful to me, these days on zoom or phone. I think “Stress” may be not always the right word for why I do these activities, but if you take it in the broad sense the word works fine. I might call it “feeling restless, disconnected, not quite myself” or etc. I do find it pretty odd that people living through these times might just NOT feel anything out of balance. But I can’t speak for anyone else.
My faith in God; turning stressful things over to the Creator of the World, the One who sent Love into the world to save me, the One who allows me to rejoice – even in the hard things.
Like many others that have posted here, I read the Bible & pray, trusting in God to take care of me. See 1 Peter 5:7 and Philippians 4:6-7 .
All of the above comments apply (except for the wine!). I do a lot of distracting myself with enjoyable activities as I can: something creative when I have the energy. Work sucks the energy from me, so it is always a struggle.
The only “real” stress for me now is what will this dog I just pulled out from under a car (well 8’weeks ago) will tear up next. Fortunately old sneakers’ sole was coming off and my “spare” work boots were demoted to yard work for holes (they, my FIRESTICK remote, last issue Diabetes Forecast, a sci-fi book, and this table’s cover are all in the trash). But this emaciated mutt who the vet was hesitant to think would survive can now climb a cat tree and gives the attack POMERANIAN her space, I’ll take it. When I worked in the “behavior health clinic” we taught clients “stress” was a normal reaction to uncomfortable situations (40 years ago at FtSamHouston), the only difference how we reacted to those. Back than l ran, A LOT. I find work a great release (tearing walls out, pulling down ceilings, even cutting grass takes your thoughts to a different place). I call brothers (we’re each so different: lifestyles and experiences) but at 61 in my field (worked a murder last month, finished a fire last week) my little bit of stress (bills, Christmas, vet bills) are pretty insignificant. I feel lucky not just to be alive, but to appreciate to be able to do what I’m doing (my 57 year old neighbor has 2 strokes and a great attack, a friend died at 58,
Several of the techniques mentioned along with inner prayers and affirmations.
With God, nothing is impossible, so I pray and depend on Him to handle whatever situation that stresses me.
Besides all of the available options I chose, I sometimes simply leave the stressful situation. Too much audio/visual stimulation or negativity can stress me and lead to seizures.
I don’t really have stress but when someone else gets stressed I listen figure a solution if there is and they feel better I feel better
Looking forward to todays’ Superbowl..