Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
Only eat no sugar added ice cream except if low. A coworker keeps mini ice cream sandwiches in a freezer for our group. Eat one to make the CGM stop beeping. Usually just enough.
With my inhaled insulin I can simply bolus when BG starts to rise after I eat ice cream. Works so fast it dosent make sense to take bolus at mealtime with all that awesome fat and cream! When my Dex starts to rise above my high threshold that’s when I inhale.
I felt buying and eatin no sugar added ice cream with reduced fat was the best diabetic choice. However, the sugar alcohols have become a gas producing chemical and I was told to give up the sugar alcohols and use natural stevia, eliminating the sugar substitutes with chemicals that can be toxic. Damed if you do and damed if you don’t. Ice cream is like pizza, best to avoid, or make ice cream out of frozen bananas which is Paleo.
It depends on the nutritional info (carbs and calories) I have found that that Nate’s Swedish Ice Cream is quite yummy and 16 grams per serving (2/3 cup). I don’t treat myself often, by the Endo’s standards I am chunky. And as far as other foods, I have often found that the carb count in “regular” food and “lite” isn’t all that different, but the flavor is.
I eat regular vanilla ice cream made with simple all natural ingredients. I skip fancy flavored ice cream with all kinds of added ingredients, and the low fat, low carb artificial nonsense because it isn’t made from real food sources. I use a dual wave/extended bolus feature on my pump to take a portion up front and a portion over the next 90 minutes. It works for me.
I don’t eat a lot of ice cream, but when I do I will prebolus about 10-20 minutes. Sometimes I will have a small amount of ice cream to raise a blood sugar.
Ice cream takes a while to raise my BG, so it really depends on where I start. If I have a “cushion” in my BG level, I can bolus when I start eating. If I don’t have that margin for error, I bolus 50% after eating and the other 50% over 1/2 an hour. That works very well for me 90% of the time.
Most foods take me a LONG time to eat and digest. I eat a scoop of ice cream in about 15 min. I like it almost always with walnuts. I don’t find any BG issues using regular bolus
I only eat gelato. Less sugar. I have done the research 😋and two scoops are 40 carbs. I give it all at once, test after 2.5 hours, and do an adjustment if needed. I try to eat fish or a salad no bread if having dessert. Moderation in all things.
I eat “frozen yogurt” which to me is a lot like ice cream. I add some pistachios to avoid the sugar high and do the extended on my pump, delivering 80% and the remaining 20 % over the next 2-3 hours.
I juice for less than what the carbs are for a scoop of ice cream. Check my sugars after about 2 hours, and adjust as necessary.
Do the same with other meals or desserts that are high in fat content. Extended bolus would accomplish the same thing, but I rarely use that function of my pump.
I marked Regular, but it does depends on the type of ice cream (fudge swirl would have faster and larger carb impact than plain vanilla). Also if BG was low, I would use a square bolus.
I live in the land of frozen custard. Puts regular ice cream to shame. Cream and eggs – really high fat, but so worth it. Easily handled with the extended bolus I use for almost everything.
We, myself, brother, & niece, don’t eat the anything but regular ice cream.
Only eat no sugar added ice cream except if low. A coworker keeps mini ice cream sandwiches in a freezer for our group. Eat one to make the CGM stop beeping. Usually just enough.
With my inhaled insulin I can simply bolus when BG starts to rise after I eat ice cream. Works so fast it dosent make sense to take bolus at mealtime with all that awesome fat and cream! When my Dex starts to rise above my high threshold that’s when I inhale.
I take full bolus then wait 20-30″ before having ice cream. Stick to single serving. Usually keeps me in target range.
I felt buying and eatin no sugar added ice cream with reduced fat was the best diabetic choice. However, the sugar alcohols have become a gas producing chemical and I was told to give up the sugar alcohols and use natural stevia, eliminating the sugar substitutes with chemicals that can be toxic. Damed if you do and damed if you don’t. Ice cream is like pizza, best to avoid, or make ice cream out of frozen bananas which is Paleo.
I tried “no sugar added” ice cream a couple of times and will never do it again. The time spent in the bathroom is not worth it.
I loop so if I’m off on the bolus loop handled it well. Generally I have no problem with regular ice cream but beer…
It depends on the nutritional info (carbs and calories) I have found that that Nate’s Swedish Ice Cream is quite yummy and 16 grams per serving (2/3 cup). I don’t treat myself often, by the Endo’s standards I am chunky. And as far as other foods, I have often found that the carb count in “regular” food and “lite” isn’t all that different, but the flavor is.
I normally wouldn’t eat ice cream, but if I did I would bolus for the carbs plus 10 to 15% extra for the high fat/sugar combination.
I eat regular vanilla ice cream made with simple all natural ingredients. I skip fancy flavored ice cream with all kinds of added ingredients, and the low fat, low carb artificial nonsense because it isn’t made from real food sources. I use a dual wave/extended bolus feature on my pump to take a portion up front and a portion over the next 90 minutes. It works for me.
That is the same reason we eat regular ice cream. Don’t need all the artificial ingredients.
I don’t eat a lot of ice cream, but when I do I will prebolus about 10-20 minutes. Sometimes I will have a small amount of ice cream to raise a blood sugar.
I do a lot of guessing. Sometimes it works. Usually it doesn’t and I go high.
Ice cream takes a while to raise my BG, so it really depends on where I start. If I have a “cushion” in my BG level, I can bolus when I start eating. If I don’t have that margin for error, I bolus 50% after eating and the other 50% over 1/2 an hour. That works very well for me 90% of the time.
regular bolus with an increased temporary basal rate over 5 hours.
Most foods take me a LONG time to eat and digest. I eat a scoop of ice cream in about 15 min. I like it almost always with walnuts. I don’t find any BG issues using regular bolus
I only eat gelato. Less sugar. I have done the research 😋and two scoops are 40 carbs. I give it all at once, test after 2.5 hours, and do an adjustment if needed. I try to eat fish or a salad no bread if having dessert. Moderation in all things.
I eat “frozen yogurt” which to me is a lot like ice cream. I add some pistachios to avoid the sugar high and do the extended on my pump, delivering 80% and the remaining 20 % over the next 2-3 hours.
I very rarely eat ice cream, When i do it is regular ice cream and I bolus for all of it at once and then check a few hours later and correct.
I would weigh it on a scale, and bolus for it. Then test in 2hrs. for correction bolus.
I juice for less than what the carbs are for a scoop of ice cream. Check my sugars after about 2 hours, and adjust as necessary.
Do the same with other meals or desserts that are high in fat content. Extended bolus would accomplish the same thing, but I rarely use that function of my pump.
Dual wave every time.
I marked Regular, but it does depends on the type of ice cream (fudge swirl would have faster and larger carb impact than plain vanilla). Also if BG was low, I would use a square bolus.
Pre bolus 15-20 minutes before consuming for the total carbs. Then scoop and enjoy!!
I live in the land of frozen custard. Puts regular ice cream to shame. Cream and eggs – really high fat, but so worth it. Easily handled with the extended bolus I use for almost everything.
Ice Cream, useless Carbs. I don’t eat it.