Have you received a positive COVID-19 test result or a positive antibody test?
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I have not taken a test.
N/A. I haven’t been tested.
Didn’t realize it till about a month later but I had telltale symptoms of a mild case of covid in early April. I was still doing shopping without a mask, since that’s what we were told at the time. I didn’t have a cough or fever so I assumed the severe aches and fatigue was due to something else. Then a week or so later I started noticing heart palpitations I never had before, had my wife listen to my heartbeat to make sure I wasn’t imagining things. She said it sounded like a fish was in there. I kept hearing the antibody test had so many false negative/positives that it wasn’t worth taking but I finally got one 5 months later and it came back negative. Not that that means anything. lol
I have not been tested since I came down with a indeterminate virus on January 2, 2020. The symptoms were similar to what later became known as COVID-19. I was treated and recovered in a week to 10 days. I feel the antibody tests are not specific enough to waste my money on.
Haven’t been tested, so can’t say
No, I have not, but I also haven’t been tested. Too many questionable issues for me to trust a test.
I’ve been tested 3 times for COVID-19, first time was for actual symptoms that thankfully were just a bad TIA that landed me in the hospital for 2 days, test was negative. The other 2 times were for procedures I was having & part of pre-op for hospital. I’ve had no reason to or a need to have the blood test for antibodies done.
Exposed several months ago and tested negative. The day before Thanksgiving, I was symptomatic with body aches, chills, sore throat, cough, sinus pressure-severe, and general malaise I was tested on the 27th got results on the 30th. this test was accurate. The surprising thing about this illness was no elevation in blood sugars. The levels were the best they have been in months.. Stay safe sweetblood
I have not been tested for either. However, both my husband an I experienced vague and pronounced symptoms last January that fit the profile symptoms of COVID-19, including muscle aches, chest pressure and malaise. Slightly elevated temps but no nausea or vomiting. I thought it might be flu, but it seemed odd since we both had flu shots in September and neither one of us has had the flu for over 20 years with regular flu vaccines. We both stayed home and recovered from whatever it was. Later on in late March and early May I had to quarantine at home twice for 10 to 14 days because of being exposed at work in a health care setting. I tried to get tested both times then for COVID-19 and/or the antibodies (both through employee health at my job and from my PCP) but was denied testing because I did not have overt symptoms. Even as a health care provider it seems to be a crap shoot as to whether or not one gets tested. Makes me wonder how they are going to roll out the vaccines to the general public before it’s too late for all the people who wanted or needed to be tested and weren’t able to get it done.
I have only been tested for COVID once in prep for surgery and that was negative. No antibody tests have been done.
Waiting for my results.
Have been tested for Covid 19 once with a negative result. After donating blood, I was able to check my antibody results two weeks later, also negative. I suggest everyone give blood, but right now it is especially needed & you get free anti-body testing as a bonus
No testing done.
No, none of the 3 tests came back positive. Me and my family members got tested so we could get together without masks or distancing. It was so nice to hug and not worry.
Tested twice 3 weeks apart in july in toronto. Both came back negative. Ive worked as a chef at a retirement community since 2008. We also were all fitted for N95 masks a couple years ago in case of a yearly flu outbreak.
Negative in March with old test that shoves 10-inch ramrods down both nostrils for 30-seconds. Wife tested negative in December pre-surgery and stated tests are much gentler and easier now. ♥️♥️♥️
Was tested in August and it was negative.