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For Women’s History month, we want to understand gynecological care (or, ‘women’s health’ care) and T1D. How does menstruation (i.e., period, monthly bleeding) affect your blood glucose levels?
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Post menopausal now, but my sugar used to go crazy high prior.
I used to run consistently high the week before my period. In my mid 40s now and my previously very regular, 28 +/- 3 day periods have decided they don’t want to stick to the schedule. Can be as short as 14 days or once as long as 45 days. BG control around my period also less predictable. Sometimes run very low after period starts.
I answered for the past.
I did too.
My diabetes educator said most women tend to run high for a few days before and then plummet when menstruation starts. I fell into that pattern.
This is an ancient history question for me. The week before I’d experience sudden highs followed by lows that were difficult to correct. Most of this time I was using Regular and NPH, depending on urine testing and hadn’t a clue about carb counting. It was all very different for current glucose management. The wild glucose swings were very difficult to treat with what was available at the time.
I answered I don’t notice any difference, but currently do not have a period. When I did, I didn’t notice any difference but that was before CGM monitoring for me so who really knows.
Sorry, my cat exited me out of the screen! I chose “my sugars are all over the place…” because I have experienced both highs and lows for many years.
I experienced high blood sugars for a week (or two) before my period and then would drop the first day (or two) when I was menstruating. Now that I have menopause, I still experience the same monthly fluctuations.
I was diagnosed going through menopause. The change of life was very dramatic for me. The GYN put me on birth control to stop the process which shot the sugars up until vision was blurry. From that day forward, I have been with T1D (LADA)
During menstruating years I was still on injections and my BGs would be rollercoaster wacko all over the place – usually higher than normal and then swing low because of having to take more insulin, which would then rebound high after going low. So glad I am past those years, one of the blessings of grower older.