During your last appointment, about how much time did you spend with your main T1D health care provider?
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I put 30 to 45 minutes. I don’t usually keep track of how much time I spend with my health care provider. It seems that I usually go 45 minutes to an hour. Over the past 2 years, all but one of my visits has been telemed.
I said 30 to 45 minutes, which was this very morning (Friday, 17th December 2021).
Very thorough
It’s not the quantity. Plenty of billable time. I wish that they acknowledged my presence. Lots of time looking at each test result number avoiding any connection to what I experience. They mark “no symptoms. ” They glance at the first CGM graph, tell me how better it looks than any of their other patients, then tell me I am dosing absolutely the wrong amount of insulin and will probably die. Any symptoms I might have are ascribed to my eating too much, but they never look at my food log. I wish the appointment was briefer. I am thinking of looking outside of Wisconsin for doctors.
My last visit with my endo was telemed and was approx. 40+ minutes long. In person appointments are 1 hour, but half is spent with an assistant answering generic questions, a real waste of time.
Mary, I’m in Madison. I’m very pleased with my endo , Deborah Wubben, MD at Unity Point Health-Meriter. She listens to what I have to say, explains / asks for my opinion on any treatment suggested changes, options are considered/discussed and if she doesn’t know the answer to a question will research and get back to me via MyChart message.
My last appointment was extremely unusual, too. We couldn’t get my pump & G6 to upload, Tandem ended up sending me a replacement pump. So it was only 5 to 10 minutes; normal appointment is 20 min. plus.
It was an “initial visit” as I had to change providers/clinics.
My last appointment was in July 2021. My endo said he really didn’t have anything to say because he knows I know how my pump works and that I am comfortable changing my settings on my own. He recommended one change (correction factor) which I knew was wrong but just hadn’t gotten around to changing it. My A1c is always good, I don’t have complications and my labs looked good except my thyroid has been crazy this year. He recommended making my next appointment for 6 months instead of 3 so I’ll see him next in January 2022.
I said 15-20 and is usually 5-10. I’m sitting in the office waiting longer than I spend with the doc. This time he noticed a nodule on my thyroid and did a scan. Since COVID he is in and out and doesn’t do any body checks. I should change but he is 5 min away.
I hope the nodule proves to be nothing serious.
I am my own T1D provider !!