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Whenever there isn’t food involved or correction needed
Clearly, clearly between 10:30PM and 5:30AM with Control IQ set to sleep mode. Picture perfect. Or as one CDE said to me one time, “Honey, that’s the ONLY time you ever want to be flatline!” referring of course to BG levels as opposed to other things.
Medicare only allows testing 2Xbox a day. I feel good times are 3PM to 6pm.
I can fluctuate anytime of the day or night, so rely on the Freestyle Libre and eat or correct as needed. I check in the middle of the night and keep candy on night stand and in my purse., but carry this cgm every where I go
Generally all of the above is applicable for me but it varies from day to day. Since being on Tandem X2 CIQ with Dexcom G6 the variability doesn’t get too much out of range unless I forget to bolus or don’t bolus enough for carb content. Lately my daily TIR falls between 70 to 90% with most ~ 80 to 85%.
As many have said already below I am on Tandem X2 with a decks calm G6 so middle of the night is best for me when food is involved it goes high and when I exercise it goes low but this is light years ahead of what it was like when I was on one shot of R and N a day and testing urine sugars!!!
I put other. My good times change a lot. Last week I was good or pretty good all the time. This week, I seem to be digesting slowly after dinner so I get high in the night long after I have eaten anything. This has happened before, it will go back to normal after a week or so. Sometimes it after lunch, so that I am high when it’s time for supper. I just go with the flow and adjust if I get high and no IOB. Diabetes is very frustrating for someone who wants A to always follow B.
I chose other, my best times are when I am able to use my Control IQ. Thanks to my Medicare Advantage plan, I’ve been without a G6 sensor for 3 weeks now. They are suppose to arrive today finally. I’ll be so happy to off the high low roller coaster again.
At night I am not active or eating, so that timeframe has always been the most predictable and manageable for me. And now with sleep ,mode on the Tandem X2, my nighttime BGs are rock solid since it automatically adjusts the variances in my ISF that normally occur.
I’m in target about 93%-95% of the time. The only time I’m not is when I forget to bolus for a meal, which does happen more regularly than I’d like to think it does.
Overnight is best now with Tandem IQ. My blood sugars are flat and I am sleeping through the night.
Two meals are usually eaten at consistent times and my BG is usually best a few hours after eating them until I feel hunger again, which changes according to variable digestion and activity. It is also good during late sleep.
I’m never in range and I don’t have a good range at anytime I can’t get a cgm until medicaid covers one
My best time is overnight. My 670G holds my SG at 110 to 140. Flat. During the day it is a roller coaster. Always has been. CGM has helped me catch fast rising SG levels and correct. But I can also fall as fast as I rise. Then it time for me to take action. CGM has improved my time in range(TIR). The control loop needs more “loop gain” to drive down the highs which would decrease the rebound lows. .
I put other because it’s hard for me to specify a tube grabber where in consistently stable. Generally most stable overnight when I’m not eating. However, my CGM still wakes me up overnight multiple times per week.