Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
Our son, age 47, had cancer in 2016. He passed on Dec. 19 that year. The Christmas season will never be Merry again. That may not be SAD disorder, but it is a very sad time pf year for us.
I have SAD. I purchased a SAD lamp years ago. I place it in a general way I’m looking but not directly into my line of sight. That works for me! I adjust the brightness to my needs. I am still effected when I get up on an overcast day, but only until I get the SAD lamp turned on. It’s really tough on those sunless days when the power is out.
Yes and for that reason it was very important when we were looking for a new apartment to find one that allowed a lot of natural light. Just renewed the lease for what will be our 21st year here.
I love most all weather besides anything over room temperature. I don’t become depressed. My husband needs to spend time outside daily in order to be productive and happy. Short days are not good for him.
Almost every winter. Though strangely, this one has not been too bad.
One day at a time, but if the sun is shinning bright, it helps my mood immensely. Plus now the days are getting longer since since the winter sultace
Our son, age 47, had cancer in 2016. He passed on Dec. 19 that year. The Christmas season will never be Merry again. That may not be SAD disorder, but it is a very sad time pf year for us.
I answered no but thinking about it, I love winter/fall & I cannot stand or tolerate the summer heat & long days.
In Oregon, the grayness and rain are relentless. With the lock-downs there’s no escape. SA is worse this year.
I have SAD. I purchased a SAD lamp years ago. I place it in a general way I’m looking but not directly into my line of sight. That works for me! I adjust the brightness to my needs. I am still effected when I get up on an overcast day, but only until I get the SAD lamp turned on. It’s really tough on those sunless days when the power is out.
@Richard Vaughn. My thoughts and prayers are with you, sir.
Yes and for that reason it was very important when we were looking for a new apartment to find one that allowed a lot of natural light. Just renewed the lease for what will be our 21st year here.
I love most all weather besides anything over room temperature. I don’t become depressed. My husband needs to spend time outside daily in order to be productive and happy. Short days are not good for him.