Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
YES. I have celiac disease. Celiac disease makes T1D multiple times more difficult to handle. There are so many simple dietary delights that are off limits. It seems that wheat, rye, barley, and sometimes oats are in many, many foods. I was diagnosed approximately 15 years ago, and have (tried) to avoid gluten 100% of the time. Eating at restaurants is a big risk. Even gluten free food, especially in Italian restaurant and pizza shops is not really gluten free from cross contaminations. I go to restaurants seldom, but go because my wife deserves dinner out every once in a while.
I can say definitively that I don’t have celiac disease because I was just tested to rule it out as the cause of a rapid loss of bone density. Evidently, people with diabetes are prone to acquiring celiac disease and the symptoms can be subtle.
So there is a link between my bone loss and my recent diagnosis of celiac disease? I was already eating low carb diet, so giving up gluten was no biggie. My T1D sibling was diagnosed years ago with celiac but I thought he was just following another fad diet. Come to think of it he lost all his teeth and had to wear dentures. My new dentist said I had bone loss in my jaw and have a couple of loose teeth which I hadn’t noticed. I’ve always flossed and brushed and regularly seen dentists for routine cleaning and polishing.
A disease specialist & an immunologist have both dx me with unnamed autoimmune disease. Many sx of but not quite Sjorgen’s. Chronic fatigue & low grade fevers are biggest pain in posterior. For 4 years I’ve taken Plaquenel which has held down low grade fevers about 90% of the time. Prescribed by Rheumatologist/Immunologist bc it helped some of her patients dx with Lupus. Also dx with Diabetic Arthropathy as well as Connective Tissue disease. The latter has remained stable since taking Plaquenel.
I’m being tested now for it since my mom and sister have it but not type 1 diabetes but the doctors have me on a gluten free diet since finding out I have gasteroparesis
I am allergic to like cows milk and white bread also yellow mustard
YES. I have celiac disease. Celiac disease makes T1D multiple times more difficult to handle. There are so many simple dietary delights that are off limits. It seems that wheat, rye, barley, and sometimes oats are in many, many foods. I was diagnosed approximately 15 years ago, and have (tried) to avoid gluten 100% of the time. Eating at restaurants is a big risk. Even gluten free food, especially in Italian restaurant and pizza shops is not really gluten free from cross contaminations. I go to restaurants seldom, but go because my wife deserves dinner out every once in a while.
I can say definitively that I don’t have celiac disease because I was just tested to rule it out as the cause of a rapid loss of bone density. Evidently, people with diabetes are prone to acquiring celiac disease and the symptoms can be subtle.
Ther wasn’t a selection for I don’t know. I’ve never been tested for it.
I have no clue.
No Celiac disease, just gut problems. I have had tests for everything by my gastroenterologist, but they did not show anything.
So there is a link between my bone loss and my recent diagnosis of celiac disease? I was already eating low carb diet, so giving up gluten was no biggie. My T1D sibling was diagnosed years ago with celiac but I thought he was just following another fad diet. Come to think of it he lost all his teeth and had to wear dentures. My new dentist said I had bone loss in my jaw and have a couple of loose teeth which I hadn’t noticed. I’ve always flossed and brushed and regularly seen dentists for routine cleaning and polishing.
I think celiac disease makes it harder for your gut to absorb minerals, like calcium and magnesium, that are needed to maintain your bones.
A disease specialist & an immunologist have both dx me with unnamed autoimmune disease. Many sx of but not quite Sjorgen’s. Chronic fatigue & low grade fevers are biggest pain in posterior. For 4 years I’ve taken Plaquenel which has held down low grade fevers about 90% of the time. Prescribed by Rheumatologist/Immunologist bc it helped some of her patients dx with Lupus. Also dx with Diabetic Arthropathy as well as Connective Tissue disease. The latter has remained stable since taking Plaquenel.
No my daughter has the gene for celiac so we are on the lookout for it. You have to have the gene to get it; it’s linked to T1D
I have what the doctor called “generic” generic markers, but I get so sick from eating gluten that I refuse to do the gluten challenge to confirm.
I’m being tested now for it since my mom and sister have it but not type 1 diabetes but the doctors have me on a gluten free diet since finding out I have gasteroparesis
No! Not much to discuss.
I don’t have Celiac, but my son does. The gastro told him he got it because of me!