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Rioles, N, Peter, M, Liu, J, Chapman, K, Wolf, W, Basina, M, Akturk, H, Perez, M, Poon, J, Mitchell, B
- Fear of hypoglycemia (FoH) negatively impacts patients’ quality of life,
psychological well-being, and management of diabetes. - The American Diabetes Association position statement on psychosocial
care suggests screening of FoH using standardized and validated tools
and referring patients with FoH to a mental health provider. - Several FoH assessments exist but are not used widely in clinical
practice and do not pinpoint areas of attention for additional treatment
and/or diabetes education. - We have developed and validated a new FoH screener that would be
short, actionable, and easy for healthcare provider (HCP) to implement
in their routine clinical practice. 10
- To understand HCPs’ perspectives on the importance, relevance, and
feasibility of implementing the FoH screener into clinical practice.