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BREAKING DOWN THE SCIENCE: The T1D and COVID-19 Surveillance Study
In March of 2020, T1D Exchange quickly recognized — along with the rest of the country — that COVID-19 was spreading rapidly throughout the nation. With so little information on how it might impact people with chronic illnesses like type 1 diabetes (T1D), we realized there was an opportunity and a responsibility to facilitate some form of research and surveillance of its effects on this population.
The urgency was clear: a protocol was written and submitted to the Institutional Review Board and approved in a record-breaking two hours. Read the full article.
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CDC Adds T1D as Medical Condition Associated with Higher Risk for Severe COVID-19 Cancel reply
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Is the Covid19 vaccine riskier for T1D? I’ve been told by several people that the reactions are more difficult for T1D & a few of us almost died after getting the vaccine. What is the truth about our risk factors.