Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms living with T1D, moms of children with T1D, and T1D caregivers out there! If you have navigated pregnancy while living with T1D, were there any resources that were particularly helpful to you? Tell us about them in the comments!
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Think Like A Pancreas by Gary Scheiner has a section on the fluctuations in insulin sensitivity during pregnancy which was very helpful. Having a Dexcom cgm was the best tool I had. And having close communication with my endocrinologist and certified diabetes educator for support. My baby had to spend 5 days in NICU to get his BG elevated to normal range but that also gave me time to recover from my c-section.
I had a fantastic endocrinologist who helped me navigate through my 2 pregnancies (1983 and 1986), using only MDI and blood sugar testing based on color change on the test strips which only gave a blood glucose range such as 80-120 (glucose meters were not yet covered by my insurance).
No CGMS at the time but with a great medical team, we had two smooth pregnancies! Endo, high risk OB, CDE, RD. Monthly ultrasounds with weekly towards the end. Lots of testing. My blood testing meter was my best friend testing like 15 times a day,
My best resource was my medical team. Daily contact with my CDP. The next best resource was the book, What To Expect When Your Expecting..
There wasn’t much to offer in 1970. I’d have blood test ordered by my GP and find out the results the next week. I saw the OB-GYN on a monthly basis for the first four months, show him my urine test logbook and have my blood pressure and weight checked.I didn’t know anyone else who was living with T1, much less anyone else who was pregnant and living with T1.We were living in San Francisco, yet I was totally issolated from any resources that might have helped. At five months I started experiencing high blood pressure issues and started seeing the OB every other week. My husband and I were both completing our undergrad studies, so it was a stressful time, in addition to the pregnancy. A month to the day after graduation our daughter was born, by c-section, six weeks early. I had preeclampsia, had been in the hospital over the weekend, the delivery was induced and she arrived early Monday morning. We were well enough to leave the hospital together four days later.
My endo told me that I shouldn’t have the child I was pregnant with since my control wasn’t good. I found a specialist in high risk pregnancies and delivered a healthy baby with no complications. The specialist never used threats or scare tactics but rather guided me through a healthy pregnancy. If your doctor uses scare tactics, pregnant or not, find another one.
With my second pregnancy in Taos, NM, 40-ish years ago, I started using a blood sugar meter for the first time. I think it was an Accu-check, and it was revolutionary!!
CGM! I started using CGM 15 years ago when pregnant w my 2nd child. It was soooo helpful! For my 1st child, I didn’t have CGM and tested my BG 12x/d w finger sticks. Love CGM!
pregnancy with Type 1 Diabetes book.
My care team, which included my endo, OBGYN, and at the end of each pregnancy, a perinatologist. Also my CGM, though they weren’t as accurate in 2007-2009 and lots of general pregnancy books. BG was generally more stable during pregnancy. I was lucky to have two uncomplicated pregnancies and managed to carry both to 38-39wks. They were BIG ( ~10lbs each).
“Pregnancy with Type 1 Diabetes” by Ginger Vieira and Jennifer Smith. I’m currently re-reading through my second pregnancy and it is SOOOO helpful!
I have been part of diabetes Sisters since I found them they were and are my support group for everthing. Plus, I met Gary Gary Scheiner https://integrateddiabetes.com/ and got the pregnancy coach services with Jennifer Smith, She was the best of the best during my pregnancy and after. Also she has a book for T1D pregnancy with Ginger Viera that is 100% recommendable.
Didn’t make it through
Being Type 1 Celiac Epilepsy get along pretty well. Hate Tubing. Omni Pod loved . Counting carbs is not me. Foods I eat are vegs. And meats. Not fun.