The Health Benefits of Yoga with T1D
Yoga has been central to Rachel Zinman’s life since she was a teenager. When she was diagnosed with type 1…
Depression Rates in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Data From the T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative
Roberts, A, Corathers, S, Rapaport, R, Rompicherla, S, Majidi, S, Rioles, N, Ebekozien, O, Malik, F This study used data…
A Psychologist’s Perspective on T1D and Health Disparities
The research is clear. Not everyone living with type 1 diabetes (T1D) has access to the same treatment resources. This…
Psychosocial Care for Youth with Type 1 Diabetes: Summary of Reviews to Inform Clinical Practice
Shapiro, J, Garza, K, Feldman, M, Madeleine Suhs, Ellis, J, Terry, A, Howard, K, Weissberg-Benchell, J KEY POINTS Psychosocial interventions…
Optimizing Glycemic Outcomes for Children with Type 1 Diabetes
Wu, V, Choleva, L, Wilkes, M KEY POINTS Children with type 1 diabetes mellitus require psychosocial support and access to…
Ask-a-Scientist: Juggling the Mental Burden of Constant T1D Decisions
For this installation of the Ask-a-Scientist series, your friendly (virtual) neighborhood psychologist shines a spotlight on one of the many…
Our Research: Your Mental Health with T1D Should Be Part of Routine Healthcare
Editor’s Note: If you are experiencing thoughts of self-harm or suicidal ideation, text the word “NAMI” to the National Alliance…
Implementation of Psychosocial Screening into Diabetes Clinics: Experience from the Type 1 Diabetes Exchange Quality Improvement Network
Corathers, S, Wilford, D, Kichler, J, Smith, L, Ospelt, E, Rompicherla, S, Roberts, A, Prahalad, P, Basina, M, Munoz, C,…
Diabetes Distress in Adult CGM Users with Type 1 Diabetes
Background Diabetes distress, a negative emotional experience from having diabetes, has been associated with higher HbA1c. Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)…
Psychosocial Impact of Severe Hypoglycemia and Perceptions of Nasal Glucagon in Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes
OBJECTIVES To understand emerging adults’ perceived impact of a SHE (in general) and NG on their engagement in social activities…