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T1D Exchange is honored to have our recent study results examining racial inequities among people with type 1 diabetes and COVID-19 included in two major publications.
Structural and systemic racism have always contributed to adverse outcomes for people of color with T1D, but this is the first major study to examine racial-ethnic inequities for people with T1D and COVID-19.
Dr. Osagie Ebekozien MD, MPH, CPHQ, Vice President of Quality Improvement and Population Health at T1D Exchange said, “Our findings of troubling and significant inequities call for urgent and targeted interventions, such as culturally appropriate DKA awareness campaigns, increased CGM coverage for minority patients and health care provider participation in a Quality Improvement Collaborative”.
Click here to read the full article on Endocrine News
“Our study highlights significant differences in acute adverse outcomes between Black and Hispanic patients diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and COVID-19 as compared to white patients,” Osagie Ebekozien, MD, MPH, Vice President of population health and quality improvement at T1D Exchange and assistant professor of population health at University of Mississippi Medical Center, told Healio.
Click here to read the full article on Healio
To review the full manuscript for this study please click here.