On average, how many grams of carbohydrates do you consume per day?
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I figure 115 grams of planned carbs (35 breakfast, 35 lunch, 45 supper). But, that does not include unplanned snacks when needed. I should be somewhere on the high end of the 100 to 150 range. But, may go a little over from time to time. (I think).
My target daily carb gram consumption is 110 total carb grams (vs “net carb grams”). This has allowed me to maintain an A1c in the low 6’s and even some high 5’s, even after 46 years as a Type 1. Several years back, I was able to tolerate up to 120 total carb grams per day, but aging required some adjustments for me to maintain my BG control and ideal weight.
I put up to 250 a day. honestly, it’s less but sometimes I allow for snack days, so it varies.
Most days about 250 grams of carb in a normal, healthy diet, and my “diet” has been like this during my almost seven decades living with diabetes.
This has helped me enjoy a full, active and productive lifestyle well into my 80s.
For the last few years, with an assist from CIQ, my every three month lab HbA1c has averaged below 5.5% and TIR greater than 90%, BMI at 20.
I put 50 but maybe a little more. Low fat no sugar yogurt with walnuts for breakfast, low fat cottage cheese and veggies for lunch, veggie lettuce salad and meat for dinner, some kind of nutrition bar around 8 pm. I dont care a whit about food, so it works for me. T1d 60 years, 73 years old. A1c 6.5.
The management of the T1D condition is a mystifying mix of the mundane and the magical. What seems to work for one is absolutely anathema to another.
429? Is that a good number or a bad number? Or more likely, “good and bad” are the wrong terms to be used.
And even if an agreed to number could be defined, . . . what fun would that be?
I calculated my grams of carbs by taking my average number of units of insulin and multiplying by 15 (my ratio). 15 x 30 = 450. But then I thought, that’s not possible, especially after looking at everyone else’s numbers. My A1c is stable at 6.2 – 6.4 and my BMI is 19.3. I snack a lot! However, if I look only at bolus insulin, that number is cut in half (225 g), but still higher than the average here. I guess food is life, food brings joy, food is energy. How do people survive on less than 250 grams of carbs a day?
First, I am not a “foodie”, not much of an eater at all. I am also scolded for my weight by the Endo office, so I choose to only eat when I am at target (80 bg) and hungry. Anyway, I also count everything that is plant based as carbs – so I count broccoli etc. And I use total carbs – not net carbs. So I answered 50-100.
I chose 100-150 but I really have no idea. I switched from a Medtronic pump to Tandem two months ago and I have tried to find this information on my pump and the t:connect portal and have had no luck. On Medtronic it was easy to find that info on the pump and when I was using that pump my total daily carbs were in the 100-150 range, average around 125 a day.
It’s at the bottom left corner of the Activity Summary page. The page with the pie charts.
LizB—In t:connect / REPORTS / CUSTOM / (enter a 90-day interval) in the pie chart page. In my case, Average daily carbs = 429 in the lower left hand corner of the page. TIR is at 75%, low for me since I had a very bad month among the three.
I put 50 – 100. I am lucky in that as much as I like food it’s never been a priority. So I am cofortable eating 1 meal of 30ish carbs per day. I do have a triscuit or two before lunch to keep my glucose up, and something similar in the evenings for bg’s sake. Before bed is a tbs or 2 of a nut butter to help avoid overnight lows. An average day is probably 60 to 70 total carbs. Again, I know I’m lucky to eat like this and never be hungry.
Average? Every day is a new adventure/challenge. As an adult I enjoy playing with my food. My interest, curiosity, prompts me to try new things/new ways. Alas, my spouse of 40 years much prefers the tried and true…without any surprises. To answer the question: my “average” daily total carb count falls within the 100 – 150 gram range…but average days are few and far between.
Since I don’t bolus for most fibers, my net carb intake is 30g per day. Managing more than 15 net carbs in one meal is simply impossible for me, as 1 carb raises me 35mg/dL!
I actually consume about 20 grams or less of carb per day. Have done so for the last 14 years now. Best decision of my more than 40 years life with T1D. #lchf
Currently at 85 net g carb per day. For a while I tried 55 net g carb per day but my health team kept bugging me to eat more. My average HbA1c is usually about 6 using MDI. 73” by 150 pounds. I’ve only been able to get below 6.0 twice on past 10 years; have yet to try ketogenic diet and/or a pump.
As another reply to this question. I think a definition of “carb” shold be included in the question. Some people only include things like breads, potatoes, rice etc as carbs. I include a plant abed (as I said in my first reply) thus bolusing for veges. Kinda skews my answer towards those who eat alot more food than I do (I answered 50-100, I can consume 30 g’s of broccoli in one sitting)
My choice is 50-100. I have been told by several CDE’s to keep your daily cards under 100.
14day average on Tandem’s TConnect report says 272g / day. However, this number is inaccurate because if you enter a wrong carb count and go back and correct before bolusing, it adds the wrong one and the correct one. So less than 272 would be my answer.