On average, how many adjustment boluses would you estimate you manually give yourself in a day, excluding the times you are also bolusing for food?
Home > LC Polls > On average, how many adjustment boluses would you estimate you manually give yourself in a day, excluding the times you are also bolusing for food?
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I chose 3-4. My BG rises as soon as I get out of bed so I always do a small bolus to curb that when I wake up. I don’t eat breakfast so sometimes I do a second one an hour or so later. I will sometimes do another 1-2 during the day if it seems like I’ve miscalculated my carbs and I’m higher than I’d like.
If I were on the preferred pump that some people on this forum have mentioned with a good CGM, could I minimize bolusing (excluding meals) to just 1 or 2? I may find out this year.
I was doing quite a lot. On Control IQ, the pump gives me 3 or 4 a day. Sometimes less, depending on. . . well, I’m not actually sure why, sometimes everything just works, mostly it doesn’t!
On average, how many adjustment boluses would you estimate you manually give yourself in a day, excluding the times you are also bolusing for food? Cancel reply
When possible, I prefer a short brisk walk rather than a bolus to manage rising blood sugar ‘cos it’s faster.
I chose 3-4. My BG rises as soon as I get out of bed so I always do a small bolus to curb that when I wake up. I don’t eat breakfast so sometimes I do a second one an hour or so later. I will sometimes do another 1-2 during the day if it seems like I’ve miscalculated my carbs and I’m higher than I’d like.
If I were on the preferred pump that some people on this forum have mentioned with a good CGM, could I minimize bolusing (excluding meals) to just 1 or 2? I may find out this year.
I don’t know why you couldn’t, but it would partially depend on how strict you are about staying in a tight range.
They didn’t really have a choice that fit me. I picked 1 to 2, but it’s really more like 1 every couple of days when I mess up carb counting.
Other. Using Control-IQ 24/7 there are multiple small correction boluses during the day. Depending on what I’ve eaten I’ll add 3 to 4 in addition.
Depends on the day. Sometimes 0, sometimes 3-5.
Loop makes hundreds of temp basal changes a day
I answered “other” as I’m not really sure. My pump takes care of it for me
I was doing quite a lot. On Control IQ, the pump gives me 3 or 4 a day. Sometimes less, depending on. . . well, I’m not actually sure why, sometimes everything just works, mostly it doesn’t!