If you wear a CGM and share your alerts with any friends or family, do you ever feel like your followers worry too much or contact you more often than you’d like?
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I wear a CGM and I have never felt a strong need to use the alert share feature with anyone. At one point I did as an experiment with a RD, CDE colleague that I worked with when we were learning about CGM use for patient care and education. She was all over me whenever the CGM alarmed – it was so annoying and she was so over concerned and judgmental that after 4 days I severed the connection with her following me.
So good to read your name again, I have missed your thoughts and comments. Connie Ker
I feel the friends wouldn’t care to know & family would be too overprotective it would drive me up a wall, however if my husband is near I will tell him, unless he is asleep.
I have my CGM data uploaded to Nightscout, configured so it is publicly visible. I gave the URL to my wife and children (adult), and they look at it, not continuously.
I don’t share my CGM with anyone but it bugs me when an alarm goes off and I get a lot of questions right then and several times later.
I wear the 14 day Abbott Freestyle Libre which didn’t have alarms, but the newer ones have that as an option. I live alone so am responsible for myself and scan many times a day. Fingers thank me every day, and I thank Abbott for this product which gives me confidence. Sensor and Reader are what I use and the Customer Service has been great through Abbott.
The most important person to be alerted is me and that’s how it will always be. As well every alert is on vibrate so as to not alert or scare anyone around me😉🙂.
T1D 37 years. Self managed ever since I was taught carb counting and multiple injections. Learned early in life to hide that I even have T1D to most of the world. No way am I sharing my pump/cgm info. I even keep my alarms on vibrate during waking hours. Others around me learned the noises it makes too fast and it is really not their business what my sugar is doing as long as I am not flopping on the floor. Could probably keep ranting on this subject for hours..
They did at first but that has been about 6 years ago and now they decided I can take care of it.
I used to share my cgm data with my wife. But she worried too much so I no longer share my data with anyone.
I do not ‘share’ except my alarm is on and being a little deaf I do not always hear it when out hiking, so I am grateful to my friends who let me know the alarm is going off.
I don’t share. I figure it’s my disease and besides the only person I would share with is my husband and he can hear any alarms as well as I can. So no real,need for me to share.
T1 57 yrs, worn CGM since 2009, the only one I Share with is my Endo as no one else would really know what it means.
No, I only allow them to receive notification if below 55 😊. And one that follows is also a t1d- she just doesn’t overreact !
My pump/CGM (Medtronic 670g) does not allow for sharing. My sister has asked me before if I am able to share but even when I get a system that allows it I won’t share with her, because I know she wouldn’t share her Dexcom readings with me!
Shared my CGM with my husband via Nightscout(?) app for a while. Started jokingly referring to him as “Inspector Glucose.” I love him, but having alarms followed by texts asking if I was doing anything about it was too much.
I answered this question… no, I do not share. Having said that, the question did prompt a discussion with my spouse….I am now sharing with him…set only to alarm on his end when I am 55 or below. We have been together for 35 years. I am responsible for managing my diabetes. My husband is knowledgeable and supportive. He is calm, cool, and collected, not to mention gorgeous…lucky me !! Fifty two years of living with IDDM. I am healthy and happy. We have a child that just turned 23 years of age, also IDDM since the age of 2. I would love for him to share with me….not going to happen !! He thinks I would worry too much, ha. I will share I believe he manages his diabetes very well.