How often do you pre-bolus (a bolus you complete BEFORE you eat)?
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I said almost always, but if my sugar reads below 90 sometimes I wait until halfway through the meal. (depending on how many carbs)
“almost always” because I forget on rare occurrences, but otherwise “always”.
I answered “almost always” and that’s true. Those boluses, however, are usually done moments before I eat rather than the recommended 15 to 30 minutes before.
Fast acting insulin works in 3-5 minutes.
On MDI with InPen so can only use humalog. Usually bolus prior. I may go back to Lyumjev and put info manually into pen. Wish they made a cartridge. But Lyumjev so much faster. Oh well
Almost always. Two times I don’t pre-bolus are when I forget to pre-bolus, and when my blood glucose level is dangerously low. Then, I take my insulin when I start eating.
I always bolus before I eat, but find it hard to pre bolus for the recommended 15″ or so. Working on it!!
Bad question. There’s a large range between “Almost always” and “rarely”. I would guess that many of us live there.
It is generally not as far in advance as I would like.
At work I never know if I will be interrupted before eating and we pretty much eat when I get home from work so no extended time to pre bolus at that time either.
Rarely sounds so bad and not 100% true. Almost always isn’t true either. 50% is accurate. Eating Keto with 14 grams total carbs daily, 3-5 g per meal hardly requires a bolus of any kind. I’m climbing out of a stretch of overeating and rollercoaster BGs. This is hard, but works.
My answer choice was “other” because it’s usually 50/50. Breakfast is bolus as soon as the coffee’s ready. If there’s lunch it’s a small low carb snack, not enough to pre-bolus for. Dinner is almost always 15 – 20 minutes pre and 2 hr extended bolus, unless I’m trending low.
I wasn’t really sure how to answer this. I always do a pre-bolus but as an extended bolus. So only 100% upfront is rare.
I would put my answer at sometimes. Maybe 50% of the time (I’m working on getting better with it).
On Medtronic I rarely prebolused. Now on omnipod5 and Dexcom almost always.
Almost always. Certainly not when my glucose is already low. Then I wait till after I begin eating.
Before I eat
About 50/50.
Sometimes. It depends on my current glucose reading and the GI of what I’m about to eat (and in what order).