For insulin pump users: How long have you worn an insulin pump?
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My first insulin pump was in 1987. it was the size and weight of a brick and most of that was the battery that barely lasted 24 hours. I designed my own car charger.
Yup. Quite large. It was an “Auto-Syringe”. 1982.
I’ve been on pump therapy since January 2012
It would be interesting to know how long each respondent has had T1D, to see how long they have worn a pump. (In my case, 44 years T1D and 22 years with a pump.)
I was on the pump for 24 years, 1995-2019. I went off the pump in 2019 because there was too much scarring from infusion site sets. I’m now using the InPen and will probably return to a pump after a two year vacation.
I have been on a pump since about 2010. Started with Medtronic now on T-slim. Switched because the Dexcom CGM was more accurate than the Medtronic CGM. I do like the Control IQ function very much. I really dislike the installation procedure for the T-Slim. The Medtronic was much simpler.
1996. And in those days the procedure involved a 2-day hospitalization, one on saline solution and one on the real McCoy (insulin). Additional advice for abdomen users/abusers: switch to the legs. They’re great ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)
Only 23 years of pumping (started in February 1997) was diagnosed T1D 38 years ago (January 5, 1982). Would have been pumping sooner, but my parent’s wouldn’t give in on their rule not until I was over 18.
Diagnosed in 1972. Joslin Clinic put me on what I think was the very first portable pump in around 1983ish. Because my parents had very good insurance, I was able to go to Joslin Clinic every 2 years. I don’t think that the first pump had a name…although it probably did. I think the second one was the Eugly…… This is when I wish I kept a journal so I could look back at things. The advances have been incredible!! They don’t seem like much at the time but looking back, they have been huge!
Pumping since ’98. I know what all of you mean about scarring. I weigh about 100 lbs with very little fat. Yes, I used the abdomen too much. Now I rotate everywhere. Probably where I shouldn’t…thighs, derriere, abs, flank, arms [in a pinch]. Will be 50 yrs. in Feb. for diagnosis. So, ROTATE!!!
Medtronic since 2000, just switched to Tandem TSlim with Control-IQ in August 2020.
1997. I had recently switched from 2 shots a day to MDI, and concluded it gave me much better BG management, but that I needed flexibility in meal timing a a better way to deal with Dawn phenomenon. They shipped the pump to me house and I started using it immediately. At my training session, the doctor was floored that I had been already using it for days. I was floored when I realized he had no clue how to properly set basal rates. At that point, I realized it was up to me to figure out what works for me. I am now on Tandem C-IQ (after a very long hard fight with UHC) and my TIR = 90%.
How do you edit your post to correct typos? (O prefer the previous format.)
Agree with Tim. I answered wrong but no way to edit.
Since 2000. Coming up on 56 years since diagnosis.
I answered 20-25 years. That’s wrong and I can’t go back and change it. It’s 14 years. I do not like this new platform. I can’t change my answers and I’m getting double every email and it shows one question then when I select answer it’s an entirely different question!!
I started pumping about 3.5 years after diagnosis to help with a pregnancy. It had not been suggested previously. Medtronic was the pump I used for more than ten years, then I tried Omnipod, went back to Medtronic and am now on Tandem. I liked Omnipod but it did not have the small amount of doses I needed. I also liked Medtronic’s pump better than Tandem, but because it doesn’t pair with Dexcom I will stay with Tandem.
I’ve been pumping since 1978. Where’s my cure? In that amount of time you surely could have found one by now.
@Jillmarie61 > I’ve been pumping since 1978. Where’s my cure? How many years (decades?) will it take to get through pre-clinical trials with the transgenic pigs? And then how many decades for Phase 1-3 with humans?