Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
When I was a young child with t1d, my hands were awful and dry and scaly. I had to moisturize ALL the time. Now that I am an adult and my bloods are easier to track, I still have dry skin overall but I use a humidifier and the Gold Bond diabetic hand cream and I’m all set! I also end my showers with body oil that I pat off. I don’t find a need for body cream beyond that, unless I choose to use it of course
Mine are dry due to using sterile alcohol at work frequently and doing a lot of backpacking and mountaineering and removing my gloves more than I should.
I use hand creams a lot, but being a 72 year old with LADA type 1, there is a lot of dryness that occurs, not just hands!!!! I still enjoy a hot bath in a jetted tub too.
Yes definitely, indeed my entire body is very dry. I keep skin care products companies in business. In fact, the best skin care product I continue to use and always will is CeraVe.
All my skin is dry – especially hands & feet. I get excellent relief using Mary Kay’s “Satin Hands” set. I didn’t know that hypothyroid caused dry skin also – I appreciate whoever mentioned that.
I thought it was even worse this year because of the hand sanitizer but it has been bad for a lot of years. And yes I have Hashimoto’s Thyroid disease.
I do because I wash my hands about a hundred times a day. My feet, elbows & knees always need my attention too. My Cetaphil for extra dry/sensitive skin does my skin wonders all year round.
I’ve always had normal skin, but the older I get the dryer all my skin is. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetic at 18. My blood sugar has gone from 167 to below 20 in less than an hour. I’ve been on a pump since 1996, I wear a sensor and I check my blood glucose 6-10 times daily. I’m very proactive but I also know diabetics that could care less. I’m 65 & recently celebrated my 47 anniversary of Type1D on November 3, 2020. My vision is very good & my kidneys are excellent, Thank God & the medical technology since the 1980’s.
I did right before diagnosis. I don’t now.
Dry hands especially now with sanitizing and washing of hands; and also for me, during cold winter months.
When I was a young child with t1d, my hands were awful and dry and scaly. I had to moisturize ALL the time. Now that I am an adult and my bloods are easier to track, I still have dry skin overall but I use a humidifier and the Gold Bond diabetic hand cream and I’m all set! I also end my showers with body oil that I pat off. I don’t find a need for body cream beyond that, unless I choose to use it of course
Mine are dry due to using sterile alcohol at work frequently and doing a lot of backpacking and mountaineering and removing my gloves more than I should.
I always had oily skin and hair. Had to wash my hair every day. My hair isn’t as oily at 71 but the rest of my body is dry—especially in winter.
I use hand creams a lot, but being a 72 year old with LADA type 1, there is a lot of dryness that occurs, not just hands!!!! I still enjoy a hot bath in a jetted tub too.
To Connie: hello fellow LADA. Care to talk, my email is murphylinda39@gmail. Thanks to all for reminder to stay lubed!
Yes, my skin is extremely dry and has gotten worse as I have aged. I am really bad about using cream even though I know it would help.
Yes definitely, indeed my entire body is very dry. I keep skin care products companies in business. In fact, the best skin care product I continue to use and always will is CeraVe.
Worse in winter time
I have noticed it much more this year but it is probably because COVID hand washing and hand sanitizer usage! And it has been very dry here in so cal.
No, but I have very dry feet.
I have dry dry skin. I also have a “hypothyroid” which contributes.
All my skin is dry – especially hands & feet. I get excellent relief using Mary Kay’s “Satin Hands” set. I didn’t know that hypothyroid caused dry skin also – I appreciate whoever mentioned that.
I thought it was even worse this year because of the hand sanitizer but it has been bad for a lot of years. And yes I have Hashimoto’s Thyroid disease.
I do because I wash my hands about a hundred times a day. My feet, elbows & knees always need my attention too. My Cetaphil for extra dry/sensitive skin does my skin wonders all year round.
I actually sweat a lot
I’ve always had normal skin, but the older I get the dryer all my skin is. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetic at 18. My blood sugar has gone from 167 to below 20 in less than an hour. I’ve been on a pump since 1996, I wear a sensor and I check my blood glucose 6-10 times daily. I’m very proactive but I also know diabetics that could care less. I’m 65 & recently celebrated my 47 anniversary of Type1D on November 3, 2020. My vision is very good & my kidneys are excellent, Thank God & the medical technology since the 1980’s.
Because I can’t keep my bg numbers in range I have really bad dry skin and lotion is is getting costly I go through a bottle every other week