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Ebekozien, O, Albanese, A, Noor, A, Antal, Z, Thorton, P, Rapaport, R, Gallagher, M.P., Levin, L
Background and Aims: Patch pumps have become a relevantalternative to classic tethered (tubed) insulin pumps. PatientReported Outcomes (PROs) play a vital role in understanding theability/willingness of individuals to engage with such systems.We aimed to investigate the preferences of participants using thenovel AccuChek Solo (ACS) pump.
Methods: Participants with T1D naı ̈ve to insulin pump ther-apy (39.0–11.9 years, 44% female, 15.0–10.8 duration of dia-betes, HbA1c 8.0–0.6% (70.5 mmol/mol) enrolled in amultinational RCT were asked to provide feedback on the ACSpump. Participants were either ACS direct users or switchedfrom MDI six months into the study.
Results: Benefits of ACS were reported byn=180 partici-pants (n=133 ACS direct use,n=47 MDI switchers), providingn=226 individual coded responses. Most cited benefits: wireless(n=37), quick bolus (n=32), no injections (n=28), bolus cal-culator, ease of use and discretion (alln=22). Most useful at-tributes reported byn=166 participants (n=166 individualresponses): bolus calculator (n=64), flexible basal/bolus rates(n=42) and quick bolus function (n=41). Downsides were re-ported byn=166 participants (n=216 individual responses):manager not a smartphone app (n=57), not waterproof (n=39)and needs greater compatibility with other systems eg flash/CGM/BG meter (n=26)
Conclusions: Users overwhelmingly found the bolus calcu-lator/device manager most useful and benefitted from the wire-less, discreet nature of the system. Integration of the managerinto a smartphone was recommended by most and a waterproofversion desirable by many. Results indicate ACS is an acceptabletherapy choice with potential to improve biomedical and psy-chosocial outcomes of users
Full study abstract listed under number O078 at this link: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/dia.2021.2525.abstracts