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Question of the day

If you’re on an insulin pump, have you ever used expired pump supplies (i.e., infusion sets, reservoirs, pods, etc.) and had any issues?

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About how often do you have glucagon with you?

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When attending sporting events and or concerts, do you bring a “diabetes bag” with you? (i.e., extra supplies, snacks, fast-acting sugars, and glucagon)

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At your last T1D appointment, about how much time did you spend with your healthcare provider?

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Have you ever accidentally given too much insulin and needed emergency glucagon?

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If your T1D healthcare provider has an online patient portal, what do you access it for? Please select all that apply.

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Has your insulin ever accidentally frozen in a refrigerator? If so, please share more in the comments

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Have you ever asked a hotel to provide a refrigerator so you can keep your insulin cool? Select all that apply.

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After having blood drawn at a lab, how do you review the results? Please select all that apply.

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Are you using any of the following continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGM) systems?

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Do you notice any changes in your blood glucose (BG) level patterns in warmer weather?

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Happy Earth Day! Do you recycle any of the packaging from diabetes-related supplies?

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Have any of your T1D devices been recalled by the FDA? If yes, please share more about your experiences in the comments.

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Were you extremely ill before being diagnosed with T1D? Please share more in the comments.

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