Quality Improvement in Diabetes Care: A Review of Initiatives and Outcomes in the T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative
Ginnard, O, Alonso, G.T, Corathers, S, Demeterco-Berggren, C, Golden, L, Miyazaki, B, Nelson, G, Ospelt, E, Ebekozien, O, Lee, J,…
T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative: A Learning Health System to Improve Outcomes for All People With Type 1 Diabetes
Weinstock, R, Prahalad, P, Rioles, N, Ebekozien, O Medical advances, including the development of new medications and advanced technologies, have…
Moving the Needle on the High-Risk T1D Patient – Lessons and Perspectives from the T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative
The T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative (QIC) is a T1D learning health system that includes over 10 endocrinology centers nationwide, working collaboratively on a shared goal of improving outcomes for people with T1D. The program is coordinated by the QI team at T1D Exchange in Boston.