Successful Strategies to Reduce Delays in Quality Data Reporting
Mungmode, A, Wirsch, A, Dawson, J, Accacha, S, Basina, M, Cossen, K, Haw, J, Herrick, C, Mann, E, Miyazaki, B,…
Engaging Data Teams in Electronic Medical Record Data Extraction for Diabetes Real-World Data and Improvement Projects
Wirsch, A, Mungmode, A, Dawson, J, Rioles, N, Ebekozien, O Introduction: The electronic medical record (EMR) is rich in valuable…
The Design of the Electronic Health Record in Type 1 Diabetes Centers: Implications for Metrics and Data Availability for a Quality Collaborative
Eng, D, Ospelt, E, Miyazaki, B, McDonough, R, Indyk, J, Wolf, R, Lyons, S, Neyman, A, Fogel, N, Basina, M,…
Diabetes status and other factors as correlates of risk for thrombotic and thromboembolic events during SARS-CoV-2 infection: A nationwide retrospective case–control study using Cerner Real-World Data
Tallon EM*, Gallagher MP*, Staggs VS, Ferro D, Murthy DB, Ebekozien O, Kosiborod MN, Lind M, Manrique-Acevedo C, Shyu CR,…
Food Insecurity in People with Type 1 Diabetes and Glycemic Outcomes
Ospelt, E, Noor, N, Haw, J.S, Hsieh, S, Weinstock, R, Hansen, D, Cossen, K, Fantasia, K, Guttman-Bauman, I, Raman, V,…
2022 State of Type 1 Diabetes in the US: Real World T1D Exchange Multicenter Data from over 60,000 people
Ebekozien, O, Noor, N, DiMeglio, L, Yau, M, Rapaport, R, Weissberg-Benchell, J, Hannon, T, McNamara, K, Miller, K, Maahs, D….
An Observational Crossover Study of people using Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) vs. Self Monitoring of Blood Glucose (SMBG): Real-World Evidence using EMR Data from over 12,000 people with Type 1 Diabetes
Noor, N, Norman, G, Sonabend, R, Chao, L, Kamboj, M, Golden, L, Bekx, M.T, Hsieh, S, Levy, C, Sanchez, J,…
Longitudinal Trends in CGM and Pump Use: Real-World Data from the T1D Exchange QI Collaborative
Ebekozien, O, Mungmode, A, Miyazaki, B, Rompicherla, S, Lyons, S, Alwazeer, M, Sarhis, J, Mekhoubad, A, Desimone, M, Akturk, H…
Making diabetes EHR data actionable: T1D exchange QI portal (T1Dx-QI portal) an innovative tool for collaborative diabetes care improvement
Mungmode, A, Alonso, G.T, Corathers, S, Clements, M, Buckingham, D, Greenfield, M, DeSalvo, D, Rioles, N, Demeterco-Berggren, C, Miyazaki, B,…
Feasibility of Electronic Health Record Assessment of 6 Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Self-management Habits and Their Association With Glycemic Outcomes
Lee, J, Rusnak, A, Garrity, A, Hirschfeld, E, Thomas, I, Wichorek, M, Lee, J, Rioles, N, Ebkozien, O, Corathers, S…