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BOSTON, June 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — T1D Exchange, a nonprofit organization that drives meaningful research and improvement in care and outcomes in type 1 and type 2 diabetes, today announced that new research using real-world data from its Quality Improvement Collaborative (T1DX-QI) and online patient Registry will be shared in nine oral and 12 poster presentations during the 84th Scientific Sessions being held June 21-24, 2024, in Orlando, Florida.
The studies detail trends and outcomes in the management of diabetes, including the importance of collaboration to close gaps and improve outcomes, the off-label use of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) in people with type 1 diabetes (T1D), and varying characteristics and symptoms among users of continuous glucose monitors (CGMs). For a second consecutive year, T1D Exchange was selected for an ADA Presidents’ Select Abstract, and this year the oral presentation is titled “Dynamics of Treatment Regimens and Glycemic Outcomes in >100,000 Children from International Pediatrics Diabetes Registries.” A full list of abstracts can be found here.
“We’re thrilled to share compelling research utilizing data from our core programs, the Quality Improvement Collaborative and patient Registry, both of which continue to grow,” said David Walton, Chief Executive Officer of T1D Exchange. “Our expanded research capabilities and comprehensive patient data can generate novel insights to help partners improve products and care delivery.”
- ADA Scholars Session: Does Quality Improvement Impact Outcomes for People Living with Diabetes?
- Examining New-Onset Type 1 Diabetes Educational Practices among Centers in the T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative (T1DX-QI)
- Longitudinal Assessment of Glycemia and Severe Hypoglycemia Among Adults with T1D: An Online Survey
- Health-related Quality of Life and Burden of Type 1 Diabetes and Severe Hypoglycemia in Adult Continuous Glucose Monitor Users
- Association of Type 1 Diabetes Duration or Duration of Advanced Technology Utilization with Severe Hypoglycemic Event Frequency
- Understanding Patterns of GLP-1/GLP-1 RA Use Among Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes: A T1D Exchange (T1DX) Online Registry Analysis
- ADA Presidents’ Select Abstract: Dynamics of Treatment Regimens and Glycemic Outcomes in >100,000 Children from International Pediatrics Diabetes Registries
- Improving Diabetes Outcomes and Reducing Inequities through Collaboration: Perspective from the T1D Exchange
- Current Approaches to Addressing Racial Equity—Insights from the T1D Exchange QI Collaborative
Additionally, data from 12 studies will be presented during the General Poster Sessions on Saturday, June 22, and Sunday, June 23, at 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. ET in the Poster Hall West Hall A4-B2.
“The T1DX-QI network of over 60 diabetes centers cares for over 160,000 people living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes across the country,” said Osagie Ebekozien, MD, MPH, Executive Vice President, Chief Medical Officer at T1D Exchange. “Our data and collaborative work highlight the importance of ongoing partnerships with diabetes centers to improve outcomes, advance new treatments, and close equity gaps.”
“With a direct connection to more than 20,000 people living with T1D, we’ve continued to expand our cohort and dataset to capture the daily experiences and challenges of individuals living with diabetes,” said Wendy Wolf, PhD, Vice President of Registry and Outcomes Research at T1D Exchange. “Our research capabilities continue to expand as well, and we’re now harnessing the power of patient-reported outcomes data linked with real-world CGM data of 3,500 individuals – enabling us to provide organizations with key data and insights to improve therapies for people living with T1D.”
ADEPT Health Equity Conference
The T1DX-QI has identified practical, evidence-based solutions to address diabetes health equity. To further their commitment, T1D Exchange has partnered with the American Diabetes Association to host a conference to address health equity in diabetes.
The first annual ADEPT Health Equity Conference, “Achieving Diabetes Equity in Practice Today,” will convene stakeholders who share a common interest in improving health equity in all types of diabetes. Taking place in Chicago on November 12-13, 2024, attendees will join together to contribute solutions, learn from others, and build meaningful connections with a network of health equity champions.
Registration is now open at adeptconference.org.
About the T1DX-QI and the T1D Exchange Registry
The T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative (T1DX-QI) brings together 60+ endocrinology centers across the U.S., collectively treating more than 160,000 people living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, to identify and address gaps in care and accelerate evidence-based, practical solutions. Participating centers contribute anonymized patient data and research from their respective clinics, expanding the collective knowledge base and creating a unified data asset to expedite improvements in care for all people living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
The T1D Exchange Registry is a longitudinal study that tracks disease progress over time and gathers information directly from people with type 1 diabetes and caregivers. To date, the Registry includes over 20,000 participants in the U.S. These individuals share patient-reported outcomes, including data on disease management. Participants update their information annually, participate in internal research projects, and are connected to external curated research opportunities, including clinical trials. The online Registry is designed to lower the barrier to participating in diabetes research, including patient populations often underrepresented in clinical studies.
About T1D Exchange
T1D Exchange is a leader in harnessing data to advance diabetes care and outcomes by driving collaborative change. Through real-world evidence and clinical data collection and analysis, our novel insights are identifying gaps in data and refining best practices to improve the lives of those living with diabetes. T1D Exchange actively supports quality improvement and innovation through its Quality Improvement Collaborative (T1DX-QI), patient registry, and data-oriented research services. Through a knowledge-sharing and collaboration-focused approach, T1D Exchange is accelerating real-world impact by providing clinicians, researchers, industry partners, and advocates with the resources and services they need for better decision support and population health management. A nonprofit organization, T1D Exchange, was established in 2010 with ongoing support from The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust.
To learn more about T1DX-QI member clinics, click here. For more information on the Registry, visit t1dregistry.org.