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Question of the day

When eating a serving of protein (i.e., chicken, fish, steak, pork), do you give extra insulin for your meal bolus? Share what works for you in the comments!

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Do your coworkers know that you live with T1D at your current job (or your most recent job, if you are not currently working)?

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In the past 5 years, have you participated in a T1D-related clinical trial? Please share more in the comments!

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Do you check your blood glucose before driving a car?

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How soon after you were diagnosed with T1D did you start a CGM?

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Do you listen to any T1D-related podcasts? Share your favorites in the comments!

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If you get a monthly menstrual cycle, how do your glucose levels change during your period?

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What glucometer (blood glucose meter) do you use? Please let us know in the comments.

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Do you have a backup blood glucose monitor if you use a CGM and insulin pump to manage your T1D?

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If you have used a GLP-1 agonist medication, how soon did you notice a change in your A1C?

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After your diabetes diagnosis, if you went through a “honeymoon phase,” how long did it last?

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Do you use cream, ointments or protective barriers to help with CGM or pump site redness or irritation? Please share what works for you in the comments!

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Are there words (or messages) related to diabetes management that have made you feel judged or not good enough? Please explain in the comments.

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Are there words (or messages) related to diabetes management that that have made you feel supported, encouraged, and listened to? Please explain in the comments.

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