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Question of the day

At what point in the calendar year do you usually meet your deductible amount?

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People living with T1D often experience anxiety and depression. Has anyone from your diabetes care team discussed your mental health with you?

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Have you used an insulin pump with tubing and without tubing (patch pump)? Please share more about your experiences in the comments.

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If you use long-acting insulin, when do you take the injections?

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Have you ever used a urine test strip or glucometer to see if your soda is sugar-free?

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Did you (or your child) have insulin resistance during growth spurts?

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When you (or your child) were diagnosed with T1D, how long was your hospital stay?

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Do you plan on attending a diabetes-related conference or event this year? Please share more in the comments.

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If you live with T1D, does another family member have a T1D diagnosis too? Choose all that apply.

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How often do you experience alarm fatigue?

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Before you were diagnosed with T1D, how long were you experiencing “T1D-related” symptoms?

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If you use multiple daily injections to give insulin, how many injections do you give in one day, on average?

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How comfortable are you having open and honest conversations about your health and T1D management with your main T1D healthcare provider?

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When eating a serving of protein (i.e., chicken, fish, steak, pork), do you give extra insulin for your meal bolus? Share what works for you in the comments!

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