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B. Mitchell1, A. Hughes2, J.L. Poon3, E. Hankosky1, K. Chapman2, M. Vanderwel4, J. Bispham2, W. Wolf2, B. Falcon5, J. Settles5, C. Child5
Background and Aims: The management of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in children and young adults can significantly impact the quality of life and psychological well‐being of the patients and their caregivers. The present study aimed to understand caregiver experiences, including psychological distress, well‐being, and social function regarding the child’s risk for severe hypoglycemia and level of severe hypoglycemia preparedness, and assess the impact of nasal glucagon (NG) on these concerns.
Methods: This cross‐sectional, non‐interventional, qualitative study included adult caregivers of children or young adults with T1D. Eligible participants completed a semi‐structured interview via telephone. The interview guide was developed in accordance with findings in existing literature. Participant characteristics were described using descriptive statistics and audio recordings were transcribed and qualitatively analyzed for themes.
Full study abstract listed under number EP290 / #134 at this link