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Ebekozien, O, Noor, N, Alonso, T, Lyons, S, Odugbesan, O, Gupta, R, McDonough, R, Rioles, N, Desimone, M, Kamboj, M, Corathers, S
Introduction: Population-based registries are proven tools for tracking outcomes and improving the quality of care delivery. The T1DX-QI is a population-based cohort with twelve national clinics (and growing) engaged in data sharing and quality improvement (QI) to improve outcomes. The T1D Exchange serves as the coordinating center for the T1DX-QI.
Objectives: The objective is to describe demographics and selected measures from the T1DX-QI (2014–2020), the largest cohort of T1D patients for population health studies in the United States. We also describe insights in relation to mobile technology use across different age groups.
Methods: Data were extracted from the T1DX QI Portal (n = 23,820, 7 clinics). The table reflects the selected demographic and other measures from two adult sites and five pediatric clinics. Mean HbA1c was calculated for each year of age for participants ≤25 years and at a two-year interval for participants >25 years. Linear regression models were performed to assess the relationship between demographic characteristics and HbA1c.