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Question of the day

How many times a month do you adjust your insulin pump settings?

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Have you ever used a professional (outside your T1D healthcare team) to review your diabetes data, adjust settings, and/or insulin ratios?

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What type of glucagon do you have an active prescription for?

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What was your CGM time in range last week?

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What time of the day do you usually change your insulin pump infusion set or Pod?

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How does stress affect your blood glucose levels?

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Happy Mother’s Day to all T1D moms, moms of children with T1D, and T1D caregivers out there! If you have navigated pregnancy with T1D, did you find any helpful resources?

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How many years have you been wearing a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) device?

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Do you live with any sexual side effects of type 1 diabetes? If you’re comfortable, please share more in the comments.

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How often do you forget to bolus for meals or snacks?

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If you use a receiver, reader, or personal diabetes management (PDM) device for an insulin pump or CGM, have you ever forgotten to bring it with you or left it somewhere by accident?

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On average, how many days do you use the same insulin pump infusion set?

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During which season do you have the best glucose management?

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About how much time is left on your insulin pump warranty?

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