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Question of the day

Has your insulin ever accidentally frozen in a refrigerator? If so, please share more in the comments

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Participate in T1D Research from Home

The T1D Exchange Online Registry is a research study, designed to harness the power of individuals with type 1 diabetes. You complete a questionnaire once a year.

  • Add your voice, experiences, and data to a body of evidence that grows over time.
  • Help accelerate the discovery and development of new treatments and potentially inform policy and insurance decisions .
  • Once you enroll, you can participate in more studies on specific topics related to type 1 diabetes.
  • The Registry is open to both adults and children with type 1 diabetes living in the United States.

How does the Registry work?

  1. Create and account to see if you’re eligible
  2. Read and sign the consent form
  3. Complete a questionnaire