Strategies to Increase the Use of Connected Insulin Pens Through Shared Decision-Making: A Quality Improvement Success Story
Friedman, J, Silberman, P, Hermann, S, Aleppo, G Quality Improvement Success Stories are published by the American Diabetes Association in…
Increasing Access to Connected Insulin Pens by Promoting Shared Decision-Making Through Collaborative Quality Improvement
Friedman, J, Odugbesan, O, Ebekozien, O, Aleppo, G The T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative (T1DX-QI) is a multicenter initiative that…
Partnering With Families Through Shared Decision-Making to Increase Connected Pen Use: A Quality Improvement Success Story
Adams, B, Heston, A, Davis, D, Nelson, G Quality Improvement Success Stories are published by the American Diabetes Association in…
Increasing Awareness and Uptake of Connected Insulin Pens for Eligible Patients With Diabetes: A Quality Improvement Success Story
He, V.L, Shin, N, Shaghasi, H, Tsai, S Quality Improvement Success Stories are published by the American Diabetes Association in…
Diabetes Technology Education Processes among Centers in the T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative (T1DX-QI)
Wolf, R, Ospelt, E, Golden, L, Ebekozien, O, Antal, Z, Guarneri, A, Steenkamp, D, Nelson, G, Crossen, S, Kellis, M,…
Emerging Technologies and Therapeutics for Type 1 Diabetes
Akturk, H.K., McKee, A KEY POINTS Diabetes technologies are evolving, and new generation continuous glucose monitors and hybrid-closed loop systems…
Incorporating Shared Decision Making (SDM) to Improve Adoption of Connected Insulin Pens (CIP)”
Odugbesan, O, Xavier, N, Wright, T, Nelson, G, Friedman, J, Aleppo, G, Myers, A, O’Malley, G, McKee, A, Tsai, S,…
Odugbesan, O, Mungmode, A, Wright, T, Nelson, G, Aleppo, G, Myers, A, O’Malley, G, McKee, A, Prahalad, P, Tsai, S,…
Facilitators and Barriers to Smart Insulin Pen Use: A Mixed-Method Study of Multidisciplinary Stakeholders From Diabetes Teams in the United States
Ospelt, E. Noor, N, Sanchez, J, Nelson, G, Rioles, N, Malik, F. S., Basina, M, Indyk, J, Vendrame, F, Schmitt,…
Identifying and addressing barriers to smart insulin pen use: a T1D exchange qualitative study of diabetes providers
Ospelt, E, Rioles, N, Scott, M, Schmitt, J, Malik, F,S, Cossen, K,M, Ogburn, S, Hsieh, S, Sanchez, J, Ebekozien, O…