Quality Improvement

Centers in the T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative (T1DX-QI) network develop and disseminate best practices in T1D care. The T1DX-QI currently brings together over 60 diabetes centers across the United States, treating over 100,000 people with type 1 diabetes — and over 50,000 people with type 2 diabetes.

Since its creation, the T1DX-QI has accomplished a variety of impactful work, including:
- 90+ active research projects striving to improve patient care
- Launched a pilot program to serve the type 2 diabetes population
- Published research in over 40 top medical journals since 2019
- Shared 70+ presentations at international conferences
- Influencing active international collaborations
- Expanding the Health Equity Advancement Lab (HEAL) Program
- Mapping data at 16 participating centers
- Improving overall HbA1c trends across all participating clinics
- 18 manuscripts accepted and published so far in 2022
- 25 abstracts accepted/presented at 5 International conferences in 2022
Regarding real-world results, the T1DX-QI has seen significant success in improving patient care across member clinics, including:
- Increasing CGM prescriptions and use
- Developing programs to help patients with A1c’s over 9%
- Increasing access to diabetes technology in certain racial/ethnic groups
- Improving mental health screen in both adult and pediatric clinics
- Increasing clinic visit frequency in Medicaid-insured youth
- Decreasing DKA hospitalizations through a targeted diabetes wellness program
- Increasing follow-up attendance after DKA hospitalizations
- Creating screening to identify and address fear of hypoglycemia
- …and more!
Meet the Experts
Meet the Expert: Developing Novel Treatments for People Living with T1D
David T. Broome, MD, is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Metabolism, Endocrinology, and Diabetes (MEND) Division at the...
Meet the Experts Advancing Diabetes Care in 2024
This year, in review, we’d like to introduce you to a handful of expert physicians from the T1D Exchange Quality...
Meet the Expert: Shaping the Future of Pediatric Diabetes Care
Mary Pat Gallagher, MD, is a pediatric endocrinologist and an Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at NYU Grossman...