Question Of The Day
Have you ever had a diabetes-alert dog? If not, would you consider it?
- Yes, I currently have one
- Yes, I have had one in the past, but not currently
- No, but I want to get one
- No, but I would consider getting one
- No, and I would not consider getting one
- Other — please share more in the comments
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
In 2024, did you add, remove, or change T1D devices? Select all that apply!
- Started using an insulin pump
- Started using a CGM
- Started using a smart pen
- Changed insulin pump brand/model
- Changed CGM brand/model
- Stopped using an insulin pump
- Stopped using a CGM
- Stopped using a smart pen
- Kept the same insulin pump brand/model all year
- Kept the same CGM brand/model all year
- Did not use an insulin pump at all this year
- Did not use a CGM at all this year
- Something else — share in the comments
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
In 2024, how many appointments did you have with your T1D healthcare provider?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5 or more times
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
In 2024, how much did you spend out-of-pocket on diabetes medications and supplies?
- $0
- $1-$500
- $501-$1,000
- $1,001-$1,500
- $1,500-$2000
- $2,001-$2,500
- $2,501-$3,000
- $3,001-$3,500
- $3,501-$4,000
- More than $4,000 — share in the comments
- I am not sure
- Other
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
If you use an insulin pump and it fails, do you know how much long-acting insulin to take?
- Yes
- No
- I’m not sure
- Other
- I do not use an insulin pump
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
If you’ve started on Medicare or Medicaid, how difficult was it to transfer your prescriptions?
- Very difficult
- Difficult
- Not difficult or easy
- Easy
- Very easy
- Other
- I don’t remember
- N/A — I am not on Medicare/Medicaid
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
If you were initially misdiagnosed with another condition, how long did it take to receive your T1D diagnosis? (Please explain in the comments)
- I was not misdiagnosed
- 1-3 months
- 4-6 months
- 7-9 months
- 10-12 months
- 1-2 years
- More than 2 years
- I don’t remember
- Other — please share in the comments
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
Do you try to have healthier options on the days leading up to a holiday get-together?
- Often
- Sometimes
- Rarely
- Never
- Other
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
Have you ever run out of or forgot to bring insulin when traveling? Please share in the comments how you handled the situation.
- Yes
- No
- I don’t remember
- Other
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
In 2024, have you needed to use glucagon?
- Yes, I’ll explain in the comments
- No
- I am not sure
- Other
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
Do you use insulin pens or vials?
- Insulin pens
- Vials
- Both
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
Have you ever done an at-home A1c test?
- Yes
- No
- I’m not sure
- I don’t know what this is
- Other
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
How often do you have issues pairing your CGM with a digital device (insulin pump, phone apps, watch, receiver)?
- All of the time
- Often
- Sometimes
- Rarely
- Never
- I do not use a CGM
- I do not use these devices together
- Other
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection