Question Of The Day
When obtaining or renewing your driver’s license, have you been asked if you’re “insulin-dependent” by the Department of Motor Vehicles?
- Yes
- No
- I am not sure
- N/A — this does not apply to me
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
How often do you get an occlusion alarm from your insulin pump?
- Often
- Sometimes
- Rarely
- Never
- I am unsure
- I do not use an insulin pump
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
Do you have any tips or tricks for CGM use (adhesion and application, calibration, soaking the sensor, etc.)?
- Yes, I’ll share my CGM brand along with tips/tricks in the comments
- No
- I don’t wear a CGM
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
Over the past week, how many nights did T1D disrupt your sleep?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
In general, can you tell when your glucose is trending low?
- Yes
- Sometimes
- No
- I am not sure
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
What factors come into play when you get a new insulin pump? Select all that apply
- When the warranty expires
- When it stops working properly
- When insurance approves
- When I can afford it
- When it becomes available
- When a new pump is released
- When there is a discount or promotion
- When I’m required to switch by insurance or the manufacturer
- Other — please share in the comments
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
If you are using an insulin pump, how often do you give yourself a manual injection (with a pen or syringe)?
- All the time
- Sometimes
- Rarely
- Never
- Other
- N/A — I do not use an insulin pump
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
Living with T1D is a journey! Share in the comments a “rose” and a “thorn” of your T1D journey.
- Sharing in the comments!
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
If you use an insulin pump, have you had a bent or occluded catheter in the past 3 months? In the comments, share more about your change process for a suspected failed site or pod.
- Yes
- No
- I’m unsure
- I do not use an insulin pump
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
In general, can you tell when your glucose is high?
- Yes
- Sometimes
- No
- I am not sure
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
Generally, how well do you think people in your life understand T1D?
- Extremely knowledgeable
- Somewhat knowledgeable
- Not knowledgeable or unknowledgeable
- Somewhat unknowledgeable
- Extremely unknowledgeable
- Other
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
If fasting is a common practice with your religion or spiritual beliefs, do you participate?
- Yes
- Yes, but with exceptions
- No
- N/A — this does not apply to me
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
Have you ever participated in a patient assistance program to reduce the cost of insulin or other diabetes supplies?
- Yes
- No, I am aware of assistance programs, but I haven’t used any
- No, I’m not aware of patient assistance programs
- No, these programs are not available where I live
- I’m not sure
- Other — please share more in the comments
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection
In the past three months, how much have you spent (deductible, copay, out-of-pocket) on your diabetes supplies?
- $0
- $1-$500
- $501-$1,000
- $1,001-$1,500
- $1,501-$2,000
- $2,001-$2,500
- $2,501-$3,000
- More than $3,000
- I’m not sure
- Other
- N/A — I do not have a personal T1D connection