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Narayan, K, Auzanneau, M, Noor, N, Rompicherla, S, Ebekozien, O, Glastras, S, Smart, C, Bachmann, S, Welp, R, Maahs, D, Holl, R, Craig, M
The COVID-pandemic necessitated worldwide lockdowns in 2020, with restrictions on physical activity and changes in eating habits. We investigated temporal trends in BMI in three international T1D registries between 2018-2020. Data were extracted from DPV (Germany/Austria/Luxembourg/Switzerland) , T1D Exchange (T1DX, US) , and Australasian Diabetes Data Network (ADDN) . The period affected by the COVID-pandemic was defined as Mar to Dec 2020 and compared with the 9-mth periods in 2018 and 2019. Median age and median BMI were aggregated for each individual per year. Mean BMI was aggregated by year, sex, and age groups (stratified by 2 yearly intervals to age 20 years, and yearly until age 60. Study population: ADDN (n=29,875, mean age 21.9 years, 51% male) ; DPV (n=118,580, 21.2 years, 53% male) ; T1DX (n=47,122, 21.3 years, 51% male) . BMI stratified by age group and sex are shown in the figure. There were no apparent BMI differences across the three years. Females aged 30-40 years and 40-50 years in ADDN only demonstrated a slightly higher BMI in 2020. Conclusion: At a population level, mean BMI was not different before and during the pandemic in people with T1D. In some individuals, a healthier lifestyle or more regulated nutritional intake may have counteracted potential adipogenic effects of lockdown measures.