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Hardison, H, Ospelt, E, Ebekozien, O, Dawson, J, Ogburn, S, Reckson, I, Virani, A, McNamara, K, Fenske, R, Saenz, A, Rioles, N.
With the growing costs in diabetes management, it is imperative to expand strategies in health care to improve outcomes and access to quality care.
The Certified Diabetes Education Care Specialist (CDCES) role is critical in providing education, understanding patients needs and preferences and assisting the care team in collaboration and support.
The American Diabetes Associations’ 2023 Standard of Care highlights the need for a
multidisciplinary team to ensure that PwD needs are met and supported in all areas of their
diabetes management, which include educational support from CDCES2.
T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative (T1DX-QI) is a network of over 50 academic medical centers implementing Quality Improvement (QI) to improve outcomes for People with Diabetes (PwD).