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Michelle Turner's Profile
Name | Michelle Turner |
About Me | I went into DKA, was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes in the Hospital. I was 28, it was September 29, 2020. Even though I was diagnosed in the hospital, my doctor's still thought (your Type two). I'm very lucky 🤞 for the doctor that saw me the next morning. He explained what it was, that his seven yr old daughter was also diagnosed. He said with my age; technology, I will be okay. I looked up thing's about type one. I signed onto Facebook support groups. I also found an wonderful podcast, 🧃 Juice Box podcast. That is how I found out about here and so much more. I'm thankful that I found out about the C-Peptide Test. It felt like forever to get the results (two weeks). I have three antibodies out of four. My A1C was a 13, ever since it has been a 6, 5.8. At the moment it is 5.8. I have Dexcom g6, Omnipod five. After these past couple of years since being diagnosed. My health has went down, I have found out that I have Narcolepsy1, Narcolepsy with cataplexy. Tremors, Diabetic Peripheral neuropathy. Issues with my hands severely. I have chronic pain. I'm working full time, I'm a mother of two and have one fur baby and married. |