Use your experience to drive research that matters.
The T1D Exchange Registry is a research study, designed to harness the power of individuals with type 1 diabetes.

Who is T1D Exchange?
T1D Exchange is a nonprofit research organization dedicated to accelerating therapies and improving care for people living with type 1 diabetes. We translate real-world experiences into real-world solutions that make your life easier. We aim to help T1D families through research at the clinic level through our Quality Improvement Collaborative, and through research at the personal level through our T1D Exchange Registry.
What is the T1D Exchange Registry?
The T1D Exchange Registry is a longitudinal research study designed to capture the experiences and challenges of people affected by T1D — open to caregivers of children with T1D or adults with T1D living in the U.S. The Registry also connects academic and industry researchers to participants, providing participants with a dashboard of curated T1D research opportunities. By reducing barriers to research participation, we have recruited several thousands of people with T1D into research studies through the T1D Exchange Registry.