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Odugbesan, O, Mungmode, A, Wright, T, Nelson, G, Aleppo, G, Myers, A, O’Malley, G, McKee, A, Prahalad, P, Tsai, S, Miyazaki, B, Ebekozien, O
Background and Aims: Smart Insulin Pen (SIP) use has been shown to improve glycemic control and insulin management for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes on multiple daily injections (MDI). Despite these benefits, the uptake of SIP is low. The purpose of this study is to describe barriers to the adoption of SIP from the provider’s perspective.
Methods: The T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative (T1DX‐QI) identified nine endocrinology centers (5 adult and 4 pediatric centers to participate in a collaborative quality improvement (QI) study. Participating centers used QI tools, like the Ishikawa diagram, Affinity diagram, and process maps, to identify barriers to equitable use of SIP in clinical processes. Barriers were identified and categorized into three tiers based on the number of times barriers were reported by participating centers (Tier 1 > 80% of centers reporting, tier 2 50‐80%, tier 3 < 50%).
Results: Identified barriers are highlighted in the figure attached.
Conclusions: Understanding the contributing factors to SIP uptake is a major step in designing quality improvement processes and research frameworks to increase uptake and address disparities in outcomes for patients with diabetes on MDI.
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