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Gandhi, K, Ebekozien, O, Noor, N, McDonough, R, Hsieh, S, Miyazaki, B, Dei-Tutu, Golden, L, Desimone, M, Hardison, H, Rompicherla, S, Akturk, H.K., Kamboj, M
This large type 1 diabetes cohort study showed that insulin pump utilization has increased over time and that use differs by sex, insurance type, and race/ethnicity. Insulin pump use was associated with more optimal A1C, increased use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), and lower rates of diabetic ketoacidosis and severe hypoglycemia. People who used an insulin pump with CGM had lower rates of acute events than their counterparts who used an insulin pump without CGM. These findings highlight the need to improve access of diabetes technology through provider engagement, multidisciplinary approaches, and efforts to address health inequities.
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