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Noor, N, Kamboj, M, Triolo, T, Polsky, S, McDonough, R, Demeterco-Berggren, C, Jacobsen, L, Sonabend, L, Ebekozien, O, DeSalvo, D
Increasing evidence demonstrates the benefits of new diabetes technologies, including insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors (CGM), for glycemic management in people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). In addition to the independent use of these technologies, hybrid closed-loop systems (HCLS), which combine insulin pumps and CGM with a closed-loop algorithm controller to automate insulin delivery, can improve glucose levels (1,2). This study compared glycemic outcomes in users of HCLS with those of users of insulin pumps and CGM without automated insulin delivery and those using multiple daily insulin injections (MDI) with CGM in youth and adults with T1D.
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