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Custom Research Examples

Reducing Inequities in Diabetes Technology Device Use Among Patients with T1D

Partner: Medtronic

T1D Exchange Program: Quality Improvement Collaborative (T1DX-QI)

Research Goal: Reducing disparities in insulin pump and CGM use for Hispanic and non-Hispanic Black patients with T1D within 12 months.

Participants: Over 7,000 across 5 pediatric and 2 adult endocrinology clinics

Results: All participating clinics increased device use in Hispanic and non-Hispanic Black patients with T1D

  • Median CGM use increased by 15% in Hispanic patients with T1D
  • Median CGM use increased by 12% in non-Hispanic Black patients with T1D

Our Impact: Our unique expertise in driving health equity fueled the success of this study. We used these learnings to create a guide, readily available on our website, that helps providers everywhere offer more equitable care to people with diabetes.

Our custom research portfolio also includes:

  • Longitudinal Assessment of Glycemic Outcomes: In 2021, we facilitated an online survey and recruited 1,999 adults with T1D through our direct-to-participant programs. Two years later, eligible participants were invited to complete a follow-up survey. Of those eligible participants, 1,057 completed the follow-up survey, giving rare insights into longitudinal trends of glycemic outcomes and severe hypoglycemia.
  • Hosting a Study Page and Screener for a Clinical Trial: As part of our enhanced study recruitment offerings, we are hosting a study page with a digital screener to assess participant eligibility for a pharmaceutical company’s clinical trial of a new medication. We then refer qualified participants to their local study sites.
  • Attitudes about Autoantibody Screening: This two-part study gathered perceptions and experiences on autoantibody screening in adults with T1D, caregivers to a (biological) child with T1D, and (biological) siblings to a person with T1D.
  • Barriers and Drivers of Smart Pen Use: Working with some of our T1DX-QI centers, we examined operational barriers and drivers to smart pen use to help inform the manufacturer of opportunities to reduce system friction and improve uptake.

Exploring Attitudes About Autoantibody Screening

Partner: Janssen

T1D Exchange Program: Registry, Online Community, and T1DX-QI

Research Goal: Gather experiences and perspectives on autoantibody screening from adults with T1D, caregivers of biological children with T1D, and biological siblings of people with T1D.

Participants: 26 focus group participants

Results: The most commonly perceived benefit was obtaining knowledge. Anticipated emotional burden of a potentially positive screen was a frequently reported barrier. Emotions of anxiety and relief were associated with a positive and negative result, respectively. Generally, the results demonstrated that participants had little knowledge on autoantibody screening.

Our Impact: Through our network, we were able to populate this study with a variety of ages, relationships to T1D, and real-world experience with screening.

Contact us to discuss your research needs!