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Happy National Diabetes Awareness Month from your friends at T1D Exchange!
This month we’d like to recognize our T1D Exchange Registry participants who have shared their stories about life with type 1 diabetes (T1D).
These narratives carry a common thread: one of resilience, empowerment, and a commitment to achieving life goals in the face of adversity. They represent the shared experiences common to everyone affected by T1D.
Let’s celebrate together this month. Start by exploring this collection of impactful stories.
Become part of our “Share Your Story” campaign — a collective voice that amplifies the strength of our community — by spreading T1D awareness and inspiring others. The T1D Exchange Registry is also a way for you to participate in research to improve T1D treatments, care, and outcomes.
Meet Jayme!
Meet Cody!
I was diagnosed with T1D in 2003; I am now 37 and living the dream with one kiddo at home who’s also T1D, a wife, and a dog for support. Without diabetes, I don’t think I’d be as healthy as I am today. I love pushing myself to the limit while riding my bike and exploring mountain peaks. Team Novo Nordisk and Team Type 1 have greatly influenced and inspired me to stay healthy and push myself forward.
Meet Carmon!
I was diagnosed with T1D in 1969 as a 13-year-old. I’m still in good health, with 55 years of highs and lows. I have many stories about food, friends, and occasional hospital visits. I use a CGM but skipped getting an insulin pump. My
A1C is 5.4, but it hasn’t always been an “easy” path. One of my many stories includes managing a breast cancer diagnosis 18 years ago.
Meet Paul!
I was diagnosed as a 5-year-old, 25 years ago. There is no off switch for diabetes, and you can’t separate it from your decisions that impact the rest of your life. It is always there, requiring your attention. It has taught me how to be more patient, resilient, and strong in the face of everyday challenges. Advancements in diabetes tech have allowed me to live my life fully and overcome diabetes-related challenges.
Meet Will!

Meet Jasmine!
For this reason, by the time I was discharged a week later (due to complications), my blood sugar was normal. A few weeks later, I noticed increased thirst, frequent urination, and dry mouth. I was starting to get very worried, so I went to the doctor, and they diagnosed me with type 2 diabetes.
Meet Ric!
After a prolonged battle with severe acute pancreatitis, which led to the removal of over two-thirds of my pancreas, I now live with diabetes. Surviving pancreatitis was incredibly difficult. While diabetes has its challenges, it’s almost easy compared to where I started.
Meet Kristina!
I was diagnosed right before I turned 12 years old. With a great endo and insulin pump, I was able to keep playing sports. I played volleyball year-round, including the junior Olympics, with an elite club in high school. Diabetes didn’t stop me from getting athletic and academic scholarships for college, either. I have been able to live and enjoy my life, and I even have two great kids.
Meet Susan!
How can you share your story?
It’s easy. You can share your story by joining the T1D Exchange Registry this November! The more people we have in our Registry, the more we can study different aspects of living with T1D — including your experience with diabetes burnout, medications, technology, parenting, and more. The Registry is open for all people who live with T1D, reside in the United States, are at least 18 years old (or have a child under 18 with T1D), and are English literate.