2021 Publications

Addressing type 1 diabetes health inequities in the United States: Approaches from the T1D Exchange QI Collaborative
Ebekozien, O, Mungmode, A, Odugbesan, O, Majidi, S, Prahalad, P, Noor, N, Rioles, N, Agarwal, S, Weinstock, R, Rapaport, R,...
T1D exchange quality improvement collaborative: Accelerating change through benchmarking and improvement science for people with type 1 diabetes
Prahalad, P, Rioles, N, Noor, N, Rapaport, R, Weinstock, R, Ebekozien, O In this commentary, we describe the goals of...
The association between depression symptom endorsement and glycemic outcomes in adolescents with type 1 diabetes
Garey, C, Clements, M, McAuliffe-Fogarty, A, Obrynba, K, Weinstock, R, Majidj, S, Ross, C, Rioles, N Objective The prevalence of...
Diabetic ketoacidosis rates rose among patients with type 1 diabetes during U.S. COVID-19 peaks with highest burden on non-Hispanic Blacks
Lavik, A.R, Jones, N.H.Y, Rompicherla, S, Greenfield, M, Chen, J, Polsky, S, Alonso G. T, Corathers, S, Blackman, S, Gallagher,...
Factors associated with hospitalization in youths and young adults with type 2 diabetes and COVID-19 infection
Tallon, E. M, Ebekozien, O, Sanchez, J, Staggs, V, Ferro, D, Shyu C-R, Clements, M Introduction: Considerable research has addressed the...
Factors associated with hospitalization in youths and young adults with type 1 diabetes and COVID-19 infection
Tallon, E. M, Ebekozien, O, Sanchez, J, Staggs, V, Ferro, D, Shyu C-R, Clements, M. Introduction: Numerous studies have investigated the...
Identifying and addressing barriers to smart insulin pen use: a T1D exchange qualitative study of diabetes providers
Ospelt, E, Rioles, N, Scott, M, Schmitt, J, Malik, F,S, Cossen, K,M, Ogburn, S, Hsieh, S, Sanchez, J, Ebekozien, O...
“The Smart Insulin Pen”: A great tool for those who want the benefit of a pump but don’t want to wear an insulin pump! A Qualitative Study on Facilitators to Smart Insulin Pump Use
Schmitt, J, Scott, M.L, Ospelt, E, Ebekozien, O, Gallagher, M.P, Prahalad, P, Nelson, G, Kamboj, M, Demeterco-Berggren, C Introduction: The use of smart insulin...
Increase in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes among pediatric and adolescent patients during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States: A multi-center analysis
Wolf, R.M, Noor, N, Izquierdo, R, Jett, D, Rewers, A, Majidi, S, Sheanon, N, Breidbart, Lee J. M, Kamboj, M, Demeterco-Berggren,...
Strong association between health insurance type and adverse outcomes for pediatric and adolescent patients with type 1 diabetes and COVID-19; Data from the T1D Exchange COVID Registry
Rompicherla, S, Noor, N, Kim, A, Nelson, G, Odugbesan, O, Sarhis, J, Roberts, A, Ebekozien, O Introduction: Health insurance coverage type...