If you use time in range reports, what BG level is set as your high range? If you have different target range settings depending on time of day, please answer with the High setting at 12 p.m. in your time zone.
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I believe the recommended range is 70 — 180. That is what I use.
For reporting I use 180 but during the day I use 150.
I have left mine at 10mmol/L. But in practical terms I try to stay between 4-8mmol/L.
120 daytime, 130 at night.
120 or lower.
My high range is set to 230 because I mentioned to my endo how annoying it was to continue to get alarms long after correction bolus but before Novolog brought the level down. She took my pump and changed the setting .
With Dexcom and my new pixel clock I usually know if BS going up and correct before hits 180. But that’s what I leave it at in case.
Mine is set at 179 for my Clarity reports, but my alarm is set at 150. Better to be proactive than reactive.
My high alarm is 130, with Medtronic’s system and target (100) it’s still a little slow to correct. I don’t always correct but that let’s me know “time to watch?” After a horrible but tasty Christmas breakfast casserole stayed near 100 the rest of the day.. Tighter goals make it easier.
I put 180 although I sometimes set it at 150 for my time in range reports. I set my high alarm at 135 however as I want to prevent my high blood sugars from reaching 150 if I can help it.
I actually think many people answered this as to what number they have their CGM set to give a high alarm rather than what they set their in-range reports to for a high.
I also have multiple ranges. My personal goal is <160. I run reports for my endo with the high range set to 180.
For my personal TIR range I use 130 as the high – lioke others I prefer to aim for FRH (Free Range Human #’s). My pump alarm fo high is set at 120 so I know to keep an eye on things.
I use my endo’s preference 70-180 for TIR. I do have a different daytime High Alert of 150 set because I run Tandem’s Sleep Mode 24/7 so need to manually deliver my own correction boluses.