Have you had any issues obtaining life insurance because of T1D?
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I lucked out. Got life insurance just 6 months before diagnoses at 51 yo.
I purchased my life insurance before coming down with diabetes however, I tried getting long term care insurance and was turned down flat!
They would only insure me till I’m 78. My non diabetic husband is insured for a longer life!
Many many years ago. After that I’ve had life insurance up until I retired through work. No longer have life insurance
I had life insurance before retiring. Any time I tried to get my own life insurance I was turned down due to the diabetes.
I got LADA 7 years ago. About 12 years ago my husband and I tried to buy life insurance policies. We had to get physical exams. He was rejected because of minor health issues so we got a much bigger policy for me. Five years later I never reported my T1D diagnosis to the insurance broker (a friend) because we are afraid the policy would be cancelled.
I only had life insurance once outside of employment and I believe I paid a higher premium due to my diabetes.
Not trouble but I didn’t know my life insurance is higher than my wife’s.
I already had both life insurance and long term care. It hadn’t occurred to me that I should tell them I’m diabetic now.
No, other than paying 3X what my nonT1D wife pays.
Same here!
I can get it, but it is cost prohibitive for any coverage over about 300,000.00, since my premiums triple with the physical
Once I found a company willing yo insure me,, the cost was so prohibitive that I couldn’t afford the policy. I have life insurance through work, so hope that will be enough.
I got life insurance before being diagnosed with type 1
I wasn’t able to get life insurance outside of work in my 40s, having been diabetic for >30 years.
This was a major pain but necessary for the time being. Took me a long time to find someone. To cover me. When I did, the cost was OUTRAGEOUSLY EXPENSIVE!!! compared to my wife w/o T1; I received about 2/3 coverage than she, but it cost me 3x the premium! This was absolutely absurd!!!!
Set it up in a Profit Sharing Plan I managed at my work. Low coverage at a reasonable Premium for a 36 year old.
Routinely denied since diagnosis in 1974. Companies gradually came around but rates and limitations were prohibitive. Relied largely on employee sponsored group life which rose exponentially after retirement. I think there are good risk models in Canada which, for years, has had progressive public policy relative to diabetes coverage, treatment and discrimination.
I have LADA and had life insurance prior to getting T1D
When gotten through an employer, no. I haven’t tried individually because I know the costs are, or have been, prohibitive.
I couldn’t get insurance for my home that I paid Royal Homes to build because I am diabetic. If it burns down I will have nowhere to live and no money!
That is unbelievable. What does diabetes have to do with your house burning down?
Jiminy Christmas, Teri! I’m so sorry… that seems like a very discriminatory policy… and not a logic I can follow. I’m so sorry!
When I was 23 yrs old, after the birth of our daughter, I was told I was uninsurable because of T1D.
Somewhere there is a camel trying to get through the eye of a needle in order to get to heaven. Ha! Her task is trivial compared to the many eyes of many needles (metaphor, not steel) that T1 diabetics must navigate every single day and every single hour.
Insurance is another one of those eyes. And it’s tiny and expensive. Companies and corporations know the actuarial math and cost numbers perfectly. All we dollar-bill paying customers know is that our wallets are several pounds lighter when we are done dealing them. Can’t the US of A do better than this? ( ͡❛ ⏏ ͡❛)
I was only able to obtain life insurance in 1978 through an employer’s plan. I have maintained the policy after retirement in 2013.
I could never buy life insurance on the open market, it was always refused. My work around was to roll over corporate life insurance when I left a job. This allowed me to eventually purchase whole life and term policies. From this lesson learned, when each of my children were born, I bought them single premium whole life policies. This paid off for my oldest, he was Dxed at 8 months old with T1D.
I’ve never even thought to try, i just assumed they wouldn’t give it to me.
I don’t honestly remember if I had life insurance while I worked, but I don’t believe so. After retirement, I didn’t get life insurance because I am single and have no children.
With new technology which makes it possible for diabetics to live a longer, healthier life than a non-diabetic, it seems wrong to deny insurance.
I applied years ago, 1970’s or 1980’s. Was given a much higher rate, so I did not purchase the plan. Was able to get insurance through my employer at a good rate. I don’t carry any live insurance now that I’m retired.
The ONLY way I’ve been able to get any life insurance since my T1D diagnosis has been through my employers, but their life insurance is only valid as long as I remain employed by that employer so it’s basically a gamble of “Take the company offered life insurance and hope I die before quitting or losing my job, or go without life insurance and hope for employment elsewhere with life insurance benefits sometime before I die.
But then again, since I’m still single, if I die without life insurance, who besides the State or Federal Government would be covering my funeral expenses since I am the ONLY person with any financial responsibility towards any of my expenses???
I hope you outlive your need to use life insurance.
My premium was maybe 10% higher on a mortgage protection policy. I also relied on employer policies which cost nothing to me. Since I now am retired and have no dependents I no longer need it.
My parent’s had bought life insurance for me, before my diagnose. I had the option, at certain times, to increase it which I did without any questions asked.
I chose other. My husband purchased both of us life insurance policies through his workplace. Mine is less than ten percent of his but requires no medical information.
If I was not married and desired life insurance, I don’t think it would be possible with the list of medical conditions I have along with T1D.
When I’ve tried to get life insurance, I just get turned down flat.
I have not tried to get life insurance, however term life through my employer was available without medical review. I carried a term policy almost always prior to retirement.
My employers have offered it as a benefit, no medical review needed. I’ve never tried to purchase it on my own.
I was denied insurance at the small company that I work for. Luckily even though my husband ids on disability we kept up his carpenters card and insurance so I was able to get on that plan
I have been able to get Life Insurance through each employer I’ve worked for, but only the basic plan. I have tried to get more coverage from a couple of different employers and was turned down due to having diabetes. I’ve also looked into getting more at other employers, but they always ask that I answer “a few” health questions and I know they will decline me the additional coverage if I do so. So, I don’t bother anymore.
T1D for 56 years. Even at 30 yrs T1D, so companies will sell me insurance on a private policy. I obtained convertable policies through my employer optional benefits. That way I can take them with me if I change jobs. The fact that insurance companies still see diabetes as a disease worse than cancer is absolutely ridiculous.
I had maybe one 12 month waiting period but after that I could always get it but at bookoo bucks. Highest $1900/mo with huge deductible. On Medicare now but supplemental premiums rise every year.
I had no problems over 35 years ago when I started working for the Federal Government, I did ask around for a supplemental plan and was told “No Joy”!
Was denied long term care insurance