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Alonso, T, Corathers, S, Shah, A, Clements, M, Kamboj, M, Sonabend, R, DeSalvo, D, Mehta, S, Cabrera, A, Rioles, N, Ohmer, A, Mehta, R, Lee, J
The T1D Exchange established a learning platform by evaluating the current state of care and engaging 10 diabetes clinics in collaborative quality improvement (QI) activities. Participating clinics are sharing data and best practices to improve care delivery for people with type 1 diabetes. This article describes the design and initial implementation of this platform, known as the T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative. This effort has laid a foundation for learning from variation in type 1 diabetes care delivery via QI methodology and has demonstrated success in improving processes through iterative testing cycles and transparent sharing of data.
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