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Ebekozien, O, Odugbesan, O, Rioles, N, Majidi, S, Yayah Jones, N-H, Kamboj, M
Health equity has been described as the opportunity for all persons to obtain their highest level of health possible. Unfortunately, even with advances in technology and care practices, disparities
persist in health care outcomes. Disparities in prevalence, prognosis, and outcomes still exist in diabetes management. Non-Hispanic Black and/or Hispanic populations are more likely to have worse glycemic control, to encounter more barriers in access to care and to have
higher levels of acute complications, and to use advanced technologies less frequently. Diabetes is one of the preexisting conditions that increase morbidity and mortality in COVID-19. Unfortunately, adverse outcomes from COVID-19 also disproportionately impact a specific vulnerable population. The urgent transition to managing diabetes remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate long-term inequities because some vulnerable patients might not have access to technology devices necessary for effective remote management.
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